Senior internships volume 1

Senior internships volume 1

Hayley Graham

Monday marks the first day of senior internships, students participating in the program are getting ready to go off to work. Seniors Charlotte Burch, Emma Grayson, and Eddie Piotroski talked about what they’ll be doing, their hopes, and expectations, going into the internship.

Be sure to check back here to find out what they’re doing further after internships begin!

Charlotte's teacher pass for South School
Charlotte’s teacher pass for South School

Charlotte Burch

Internship: 4th grade teacher at South School

College: University of Mary Washington

For my internship I will be working in Mrs. Devine’s 4th grade classroom at South School. Back in 2006, Mrs. Devine (previously know as Miss Ryan) had the task of corralling a class of unruly 28 ten-year olds, myself included. It was during my 4th grade year when I decided I want to be a teacher when I grew up, and I believe Mrs. Devine is the reason for this inspiration.

When I heard that I had the chance to intern in her classroom as a senior, I jumped at the opportunity. The thing I am most excited about is being able to relive the last month of my 4th grade year now, as I am getting ready to leave New Canaan Public Schools. I have been apart of this school system my whole life, and there are only two big transitions.

Although 8th grade is fun, the end of 4th grade has many more of my cherished memories within it. I can’t wait to watch my class go through their 4th grade picnic, their final recess of elementary school, and watch them walk in their graduation right before I put on my very own cap and gown.

Next year I will be attending the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Virginia. There I will have the choice of applying into the elementary or secondary licensure program. Taking part in this internship will help me in choosing what age group I would like to teach in the future, and will also help my resume when applying into the teaching programs at school. I am seriously looking forward to this experience. This has been my dream for such a long time now, and the internship program is finally giving me the chance to live it.

Emma Grayson

Internship: Darien Sport Shop

College: American University

the interior of the Darien Sport Shop.  photo contributed by
The interior of the Darien Sport Shop.
Photo contributed by

The main reason why I chose to do an internship was because I really wanted to get experience, before I go off to college, in working in the real world because I know I am going to do at least one internship in college. I also wanted to take advantage of this unique experience that the high school offers!

Because I am working at the Darien Sport Shop, I hope to be involved in the process of helping people find things in the store, organizing products and helping out as much as I can. The only working experience I’ve ever had was lifeguarding, so this is going to be a huge change, but I am really excited about it! I don’t necessarily see myself working in retail when I graduate from college, but my interest in fashion made me so curious about the retail process that I felt this would be a great internship for me to be a part of!

Eddie Piotroski

Internship: Sports Media Advisors

College: Bucknell University

I will be working at Sports Media Advisors. They are a company that works to connect sports companies like NFL, NHL, Nascar, etc. with broadcasting companies and websites that work best for them. While interning there, I will be assisting them on whatever projects they are working on at the time as well as managing their companies’ social media accounts.

I’m going to be in a business program in college, so working at a real business and having this experience will be tremendously helpful for me!