The Senior Art Show allows students, many of whom will be attending art school next Fall, to come up with a one-person exhibit that is entirely their own creation. All aspects of the show, from selecting what pieces are to be in it to deciding how it should be set up to assembling their show, are decided by the individual student. This allows each and every student artist to showcase what they believe is their best work, without having to conform to a general theme. Each artist has been allowed the opportunity to find their true groove, so to speak, in their work.
The students are the curators, installation crew and publicity agents. They have come up with the name, and are entirely involved in the organization of this event. For each of these students, it is the opportunity to show their friends and family, as well as the greater school community, what they have been working on all year.
The following seniors will have one-person exhibits in the lobby: Clare Ashforth, Alex Bernard, Caroline Blasco, Devin Campbell, Victor Ciotkowski, Eva Harte, Evelyn Harvey, Britt Hijkoop, Schuyler Higgins, Geoffrey Krist, Mary Luke, Ben Manning, Betten Orr, Katie Oxman, Alexander Pitt, Kelsey Pulkownik, Amy Rippe, and Molly Stayman.