Ryan Kurtzman: The Man Behind The Soundboard

Ryan Kurtzman: The Man Behind The Soundboard

Sara Conroy, Reporter


Many people are aware of the theater performances that go on throughout the year but they may not know what goes on behind the scenes. One crucial acspect of theater is the sound system. Ryan Kurtzman, a senior at NCHS, first got involved in the sound department during the year of 2015 and is the current sound manager of the NCHS theater department.

Ryan initially became involved in the theater department during his freshman year of high school. “My brother used to be the head of the sound department,” Ryan said. “One day, before he graduated, he told me that he needed someone take over. I said ‘why not me?’ and of course he laughed since we’re brothers.” However, Ryan didn’t let that stop him. “I joined sound and I started with just backstage microphone changes,” Ryan said. “I then moved onto sound effects and learned how to use the soundboard. Now that Jason graduated, I’m in charge.”

In order to become head of the sound department, Ryan had to fulfill a few requirements including learning how to work the soundboard. “To run sound, you have to fully understand how the microphone works,” Ryan said. “You have to be able to put it on people and you have to know how each piece works. I’ve learned how the cue works for the sound effects, how the sound board operates and how the effects work.”

Now, as head of the sound department, Ryan has many responsibilities. “Part of my job is running the soundboard for the shows. It’s not the only thing I do but it’s one of the big things,” Ryan said. “There is a lot of setup to do before the rehearsals and shows. I usually come in an hour before anyone else shows up, turn everything on and test things out.”

Ryan also takes on the task of creating sound effects for the NCHS theater productions. “For the last show we did, Letters to Sala, there was this one sound effect, where people were getting beat up. We couldn’t find a sound effect for that online,” Ryan said. “So I started experimenting with different ways to make the sound, such as hitting myself on the chest, running into walls or banging my jacket against something. Its a trial and error.”

Ryan is currently training sophomores, Ian Rocha and John Taylor, in the art of sound. “ Ryan really encouraged me to pursue sound,” Ian said. “He’s taught me alot about how the sound works and how the environment around sound is portrayed. I haven’t even begun to touch the complexities, but Ryan has been leading me in the right direction and showing me the 101’s of sound.”

Ryan enjoys teaching Ian and other students with similar aspiration, but acknowledges the challenges come with sound production. “It has been a real experience. It requires so much information and it’s such an overwhelming thing.” Ryan said. “I’m definitely learning as I go along. It’s a learning experience on both ends. I’m excited to see what happens next.”