Jana Persky
Editorial Director
As of the 2010-2011 school year, students will have to adjust to a new schedule format. Instead of the familiar numbered days and lettered periods, students will be going to periods 1-8 on days A-H. The rotation of the schedule has not changed. The new schedule can be found online here.
According to scheduler Paul Gallo, the schedule was changed to accommodate PowerSchool, the scheduling software the school purchased a few years ago. The program can’t be customized based on an individual school’s scheduling system, so the administration decided to alter the schedule to fit the software.
Because of this change, they will be able to take full advantage of the tools the software provides. For example, Mr. Gallo said that students will receive personalized block schedules when they receive their schedules in the mail, something that was impossible with the old schedule format.
Some students have raised concerns over how half days or gym schedules will be labeled, given that the old description of an even or odd day no longer applies. Mr. Gallo said the school is still working through these issues, but the calendar will probably just be split ACEG and BDFH.
“I know it seems weird now,” Mr. Gallo said. “But I think students will get used to it pretty quickly and soon they won’t even notice the difference.”