Richard Salant Lecture brings distinguished speakers

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Emily Brand and Isabel Lawrence
News Editors

On Nov. 18 at 6 p.m., NCHS will host the the 18th annual Richard Salant lecture centered on broadcast journalism and encouraging new literacy. Invited speakers in the past include Roger Goodman, Sean McManus and Scott Pelley. This year, the panel consists of David Gergen, Peter Goldmark, and Joe Scarborough, and will be moderated by Brian Williams.
The discussion will be focused on the election and the impact media broadcasting has on it, along with expectations for the next four years.

Executive Director of the New Canaan Library Alice Knapp expressed her excitement over high school students’ involvement with the event and the opportunity for them to work with such big names in the industry. “These people are in the pinnacle of their career, but they want to share and talk about the passion that got them there,” she said. “They don’t just want to say I do this, this and this, they want to be mentors.”

In the past, this event has been held at the library, however, the increased popularity has caused a change in venue. “I think that’s part of the reason they moved it to the high school, because they know they’re going to get such a big draw,” TV Broadcasting and Journalism teacher Roman Cebulski said. “When you have these key figures in the industry coming to speak about something as topical as the next four years, especially right after the election, there’s going to be a lot of interest.”