Register now for StuCo Blood Drive

Register now for StuCo Blood Drive

Malek Sidani, Reporter

On March 11th, the Student Coalition is holding a blood drive sponsored by the Red Cross. The drive will be held in the auxiliary gym, and will be from 8AM to 1PM.

Senior and Student Coalition Executive Board Secretary Kiera Russo organized the event because she wanted to find a way to help the Red Cross organization. To register to donate, use the sponsor code “NCHS” when signing up with this link:

Blood drives are crucial for the Red Cross. “Right now, the Red Cross has less than a three-day supply of most blood types, and blood products are being distributed to hospitals faster than donations are coming in,” Kiera said. “ Snow storms and frigid weather in parts of the country have prolonged the shortfall in donations. More than 20,000 blood and platelet donations have gone uncollected in just four weeks due to blood drive cancellations. Winter travel advisories may have also forced additional donors to delay their planned donations.”

In order to donate blood, you must be 17 years old. A full list of restrictions on donating blood can be found on the Red Cross website.

StuCo made the event in March so that more students will qualify for the blood drive. “We scheduled it the spring so that more juniors can turn seventeen,” said Kiera.

StuCo also chose to hold the blood drive during the week between the end of the winter sports season and the beginning of the spring sport season. “This way we can get more athletes to come,” Kiera said.

Parents and faculty are also encouraged to donate blood on March 11th. “We’re hoping to open it up to the community,” said Kiera.