Ram of the Week: Grady Lynch

Ram of the Week: Grady Lynch

Harrison Burt
Blogs Editor

Between a cutthroat environment of academics and countless extracurricular activities, high school makes it almost impossible to stand out. New Canaan prides itself in its strong educational opportunities as well as intensive athletic programs. I got the chance to talk to senior Grady Lynch about what he’s done to make the most of his high school experience and stand out.

On Academics
I’ve been on the JETS (Junior Engineering Technical Society) team for the past two years. It has been an experience I will never forget, as it was mentally, physically and emotionally strenuous, yet an incredible journey nonetheless.
 Daron Shepard and Jeanne McDonagh have served collectively as my inspiration and foundation for hard work, as they have incredible enthusiasm for everything they do.
 Regardless of what it may mean in terms of college, I have always enjoyed challenging myself intellectually

On Athletics
75249_555838647764952_1641767394_nI was fortunate enough to be voted as one of the team captains for this past football season. The football program as a whole has instilled in me values of leadership, resilience, and commitment and above all I have learned that hard work pays off.
 Being a captain is very different than a being regular player in that the actions of everyone on the team, on and off the field, are attributed directly to the captains. This is a double-edged sword as it applied to both our successes and failures. The increased accountability was initially somewhat overwhelming, however as the season went on I was glad that I was in a leadership position.  Participating in football, basketball, and spring track over the course of my high school athletic career offered me many perspectives. Football and basketball are very much team sports, whereas track is much more individual. While I definitely prefer playing a team sport, participating in track made me appreciate the training and focus needed in all varieties of competition.


395790_390601744287130_2129008709_nThe thing about YG that I find most rewarding is the carefree environment that it offers. It is a welcoming relief from the worries of everyday life. The friendships built on the mission trip in particular simply cant be reciprocated in day to day life, as YG unites people that otherwise would never meet each other. The acceptance and openness at YG is definitely what I will miss most.

On Photography

Photo by Grady Lynch
Photo by Grady Lynch

When I was but a mere boy playing amongst the hens in the field, I caught a glimpse of the shimmering sun and knew that this was a moment I wanted to capture forever. This desire to capture the beauty surrounding me never went away. So naturally, I was very interested in learning more about photography as I entered the high school. I have been in a photo class for at least one semester for the past four years, during which I have improved significantly as a photographer. Photography is definitely an outlet for me. It is a polar opposite from school (physics and math in particular) and is a great break from studying. While there are some general guidelines to keep in mind, photography is essentially without rules. This freedom is a welcome respite from the rigidly structured world of academia. My favorite thing about it is that I never know if a picture is going to be any good until I see it on the computer screen. Many times, pictures that I think will come out well actually look really bad on the computer. But the opposite is true as well. Pictures that I don’t think will be interesting many times surprise me once I see them on a bigger screen. This sense of uncertainty is something I really appreciate.

On Next Year
For me, Vanderbilt was an easy choice. It’s in the south, near a city, it’s got warm weather, good academics, and there’s a tons to do. I didn’t really think I’d get in when I applied, but I guess I got lucky. I’m probably going to pursue my interests in physics more so than photography next year, but I don’t want to lose touch with taking pictures completely. As far as sports are concerned, I’ll probably play intramural basketball and maybe Ultimate Frisbee. I’m definitely excited for a change of scenery and some warmer weather.

Stay tuned for next week’s Ram!