Carly Risom

I watched a lot of movies as a kid. I saw “Parent Trap” every weekend, mostly because I wasn’t allowed to watch Disney Channel until I was eleven. Why? Because I have class and you don’t. Until then, I stuck to my homies, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, who gave me some insight as to what it’s like to be a teenager and #notdowork. The best movie those twins ever made was obvi the London one where they crawl through the air vents and go to an all men’s club dressed as boys, although the Australia one where they walk over the Sydney Harbour Bridge was pretty sick too.
There was always an overarching theme in all of the Olsen movies, and that was the love interest. One of the most infamous scenes in the blockbuster “Switching Goals” was the date Ashley went on with Eric at the arcade. Because it’s Ash, she ordered a salad. Despite the number of boyfriends Mary-Kate and Ashley had and double-dated with, they managed to keep the PDA pretty minimal, until the Rome one. I mean, when you’re in Rome, you literally do what the Romans do. Somehow, however, it wasn’t trashy. They absolutely killed it.
PDA is some serious ish. If you look closely, it’s everywhere, not just in the movies. There are certain times of the school day, however, where it’s the most evident.
7:21 AM
It’s bright and early and time to cling to each other! To be fair, this is usually when most couples see each other for the first time in 18 hours, so I guess it’s valid. You know he’s really a keeper when he brings you a chocolate chip muffin AND a spoon to eat it with.
7:32 AM
Technically, the second bell just rang so it’s fine if you’re two minutes late to class. It’s totally worth it if you are separated for the next 42 minutes. Some mornings, I walk past couples staring into each others’ eyes with the type of passion a passionfruit would envy. I consider myself a pretty tolerant person, but it’s moments like these where I feel like I’m going to vom up my breakfast.
Good thing you memorized their schedule! Meeting up with each other after classes is fine, but practically banging the door down as the bell rings is a bit much. Hand-holding is a must. It’s like the rules of feminism!
11:04 AM
It’s an A day, and 5 takes lunch, and they have history on the bottom floor, which means they have second lunch, so perf we can totes have lunch together. Boys and girls mostly sit separately, but that rule does not apply when you’ve been dating for 3 months and 12 days. There’s nothing wrong with having lunch with your significant other, as long as it’s not in a cafeteria that smells like the Norwalk Maritime Aquarium. In-school lunch+PDA=nausea.
2:06 PM
SURPRISE! IT’S ME AGAIN! Boom! There they are! Because it’s the end of the day, which therefore means that you’re going to suffer for another 18 hours, PDA is sort of legit if you’re ‘bout that life. On the way to the bag drop, a peck on the cheek is pretty customary, and maybe a little sumthin’ more if no health teachers are around.
Athletes: 2:30 PM
The only way you can kiss her now is through the phone. The day is done, and so is the PDA.
Other/However you waste your time: 2:30 PM
Meeting up in the sketch hallways by the photo room is a pretty typical thing if you’re down to contract a disease or idk, get bitten by a rat.
Some people marry their high school sweethearts, and there’s no reason why couples can’t see each other during the school day. Unfortunately, however, not everyone actually wants to see them “see” each other. In fact, some people would rather stick hot pins in their eyes. Anybody have a needle?!