Holly Santero, Senior Editor
As students prepare for the stress and excitement of prom season, many may forget that their teachers went through the same thing (way…way back when). Whether it was fussing over their hair curlers, whipping out dance moves from cringe-worthy 90’s music videos, or facing the hardship of picking out the perfect dress, NCHS teachers have a number of entertaining prom stories.
Victim #1 is social studies teacher Michael Joshi. Attending both his junior and senior prom circa 2002, Mr. Joshi remembered the lead up to his exciting night at Union Station in Kansas with his best friend Molly. “Before we went to the actual prom at Union Station, we went to one of those restaurants on top of a building that spins while you eat.”

While many of us NewCanaanites may not be familiar with such spinning restaurants, anyone who has attended a recent NCHS prom can relate to the insanely sweaty, awkward, and crazy dance circles that Mr. Joshi recalls from his senior prom. “All I remember is the epic dance off we had to Michael Jackson where everyone got in a circle,” he said.
Not sure if Mr. Joshi impressed people with his moves? Well, rest assured, he was adequately prepared with his past experience in a boyband. “During the summer as a part of our boyband, I decided to learn all of the dance moves to the Pop music video by *NSYNC,” he said. “On the dance floor, everyone gathered around me and I did it for them. Nobody else knew the dance, just me.”

So, now you’re probably wondering if he pulled off the dance number, right? Unfortunately, Mr. Joshi wasn’t too sure he got the positive attention he was looking for. “I thought it would be a big hit and that all the girls would fall in love with me,” he said. “But nobody thought it was cool except for me.”
I guess we can all cross off the “memorize dance moves from Justin Bieber’s ‘Sorry’ video” off of our to-do lists and start rethinking our dance floor expectations. In the meantime, stay tuned on the Courant website and @NCHS_Courant on Instagram for more NCHS faculty prom stories.