Anna Grzymski, Reporter
Preparations for the Junior Celebration, are in full swing after the big announcement was made on April 29th. The dance and dinner event is set to take place outside at the Italian Center on Friday, May 21.
After a tough year, New Canaan High School’s Student Coalition wanted to celebrate the juniors in a big way. “I think everyone is happy that we are able to dress up and do something all together,” Class of 2022 President Bella Dial said.
Covid-19 will not be stopping the juniors from having a blast at their celebration because the Italian Center is taking extra precautions to help protect students and the Italian Center staff. “Students will be required to wear masks at all times except when eating, and all Italian Center staff will be masked and wearing gloves the whole time,” class of 2022 Student Coalition Advisor, Anthony Bloss said. Hopefully, this makes people feel safe knowing they can have fun and prevent the spread.
Speaking in terms of the dress code, there is none! “With the celebration being announced so late, we didn’t want students to feel left out if they didn’t have enough time to get a dress or reserve a tux,” Student Coalition advisor to the class of 2022, Sean Killelea said.
Mr. Killelea and Mr. Bloss have been working hard to finalize the details for the event. “The administration has been very very accommodating and flexible with a lot of our requests ”Mr. Bloss said. “We called right at the perfect time, just before the Italian Center was having their first event so their schedule was pretty open”, Mr. Killelea added.