Poetry Fest Preview 2019

Poetry Fest Preview 2019

Charles Brossy, Reporter


Poetry Fest is an annual event that is an open mic poetry celebration run by the English Department which is happening this Tuesday, April 30th at 7pm in the Wagner Room.

Ms. Brown said her favorite part of Poetry Fest is, “How supportive an environment it is. In the past, students have felt comfortable sharing very personal poems or poems that really experiment with form because the crowd is so encouraging and supportive.” This is an event where students from all grades and all levels of English classes can come together over a shared love and passion for poetry.  “It’s also one of the only fully inclusive events here at the high school: any student who submits a poem is accepted and welcomed at the event,” said Ms. Brown.

Students are invited to submit original poems in advance to be published in a program distributed at the event. Over 60 students have already submitted poems to Ms. Brown, who is running the Poetry Fest. During the event, students are called up to read their poems in front of an audience of students, parents and faculty.  At the end of the event awards are given out for the following; Best Poem, Best Performance of a Poem, Most Artful Use of Language, and Best Imagery. Honorable Mention distinctions are given out as well.

“It’s a really fun night and a night where you get to hear some truly talented poets perform their work. I always leave feeling incredibly inspired and truly impressed by the quality of the poetry students create each year,” said Ms. Brown. “It’s a wonderful experience to hear students share their own work aloud, and it’s truly heartwarming to see how the audience supports the risks each student takes in getting up to the microphone.”