Tyler Kendall and Ted O’Rourke
Editors for Spectator Literary Magazine
In case you saw our Facebook pictures from yesterday’s meeting, and were wondering what cool club had that awesome Halloween bonfire, then you’re reading the right post. Spectator is the NCHS literary magazine where we review and edit submissions for our annual publication. With record attendance, last night was particularly fun as we reviewed submissions in costume while hyped up on candy. You don’t have to submit any writing to come to our fun meetings, or come to the meetings to send us your creative expression pieces (but c’mon what is Monday night without spec?) We encourage all of you to send us any creative writing or artwork to nchs.spectator@ncps-k12.org.
Here’s a poem by sophomore Jordan Smith that will appear in the publication in late May:
Lost Thoughts at 2:24 A.M.
Do you know
how lost I am
in you?
I lose myself
in your stare
and your eyes so fair
like the deep open sky
in the clouds passing by
I lose myself.
It’s late tonight
you can see it in my eyes
But do you know
how lost I am
in you?
What keeps me awake
during the hours of the day
and when the light fades
in my dreams you stay
I lose myself.
Your words, just the sound
the gravity to my ground
like the sea on the shore
strong and gentle,
let me float a little more
after and before
I lose myself.
Do you know
how lost I am
in you?
What a position,
where I’ll always listen
to the song of your voice,
[/col] [col type=”half last”]the calm above the noise
I lose myself
in the tale of our past
a story to publish and last
I’ll ask
Do you know
how lost I am
in you?
Yesterday it was
my dreams that you had lead
lost in the fort of sheets
that made your bed
I played lightly
with the curls on your head
“I love you”
were the words
I wish I said
and I can’t stop
wondering instead
Do you know
how lost I am
in you?
stopping the world from spinning
since the beginning,
painting the sky
and the light in my life
just with those fair eyes.
But it’s late tonight
and I’ve lost myself.