PLL Recap: De”A”d to Me


Monica Nair
Photo & Graphics Editor

Did you watch Pretty Little Liars on Tuesday? If not I am deeply ashamed, but don’t freak, I’ve got you covered.

773x-1After a little therapy of her own, Dr. Sullivan makes a return back to Rosewood (do you really think that was a good idea?). Em is the first to greet her, and goes under a hypnosis to figure out what really happened the night in the lighthouse with Nate. She has a confusing memory where she thinks she kills Alison with a shovel. Later, she realizes she was wrong. Instead of relieving her pain, Emily is flashed back to the night Alison’s body was stolen from the grave! Apparently this whole ‘A’ operation is being controlled by some blonde in a red coat who Hanna believes could possibly be Ali…but she’s dead, isn’t she?…ISN’T SHE??

PLL1While Ezra is out of town, Baby Fitz (aka Wes) makes a quick return. Apparently, he also had some teacher-student romance of his own when bumping into his physics’ teacher’s husband…now we know why he was kicked out of school. Okay great Wes, I care so much. How about someone tells me who A is.

Time to discuss Hanna and Caleb. After making a visit to his uncle’s barn to sift through some old junk, a new little discovery is made. Hanna has a total Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader moment when she becomes convinced Caleb’s “uncle” is really his father

773x-2Meanwhile in Rosewood, Detective Spencer finally figures out where the ‘A’ key leads…an empty room (BUMMER!). While Spence is left in tears, she takes her craziness to a whole new level when she bursts into Ali’s memorial round two to reveal Alison’s baby daddy (Detective Wilden! Jason is not gonna like this…). While Spence doesn’t have any actual proof, she may have just put the girls in more danger, like threatening txts wasn’t enough!

The number of secrets that were revealed this week were a bit much! And is Ali dead or not? I’ve never been more confused before, I can only hope that next Tuesday will give us the answers to all these lies. Till then, keep your eyes out for next week’s recap.