Video by Charlie Adl
Holly Santero, Reporter

NCHS staff members from all departments gathered in the Wagner room Thursday April 24 to celebrate Staff Appreciation Day, an annual event run by the Parent Faculty Association. Staff Appreciation Day is a chance for all staff members to be given thanks for everything they contribute to NCHS. “Faculty appreciation day is great because it is a day where teachers who don’t usually get to see each other get to hang out and enjoy delicious food together,” math teacher Amy Smith said.
The meals were served at both breakfast and lunch, open to all NCHS faculty. “We never miss a chance for free food,” social studies teacher, Zeeshaan Arastu said. The appreciative teachers were surrounded by generous PFA members, who prepared and served the food that day. “I’ve been at Staff Appreciation Day serving since breakfast, and so many people have been appreciative for us and are always saying thank you,” PFA member and Staff Appreciation Day organizer Lauren Corbett said. “The meals took a lot of time to make, but all of us parents were more than happy to do it.”

The PFA, who got to witness and receive feedback from staff, wanted to stress the importance of Staff Appreciation Day and how it is organized to include all NCHS faculty. “It is teacher and staff appreciation day, meaning it’s not just for teachers,” PFA member and Staff Appreciation Day organizer Kate Koller said. “There is a lot of support from teachers, but there are also the administrators, counselors, custodians, security, and lots of other people who make NCHS work.”
Staff members were not only appreciative of the food, but were also thankful to be spending time with staff from different departments. “What we love the most is that we can eat with each other because we never have time during the day,” art teacher Jeanne McDonagh said.

While eating over breakfast, the staff reminisced over what the student body does to acknowledge teachers and staff. “I really like how in almost every class I get almost every kid saying, ‘thank you, have a nice day,’ while they walk out of class,” science teacher Janel Willmott said.
The overall positive feedback was abundant from the NCHS faculty as they enjoyed their lunch, appreciative for their special treatment. “The parents put on a wonderful lunch and it is an enjoyment to come and spend time with my colleagues in such a great environment,” English teacher Susan Steidl said. Similarly, social studies teacher Dr. Schneider added her own positive feedback for Staff Appreciation Day as well. “I’m so grateful,” she said. “There was a lot of work done on our behalf, and I’m feeling very pampered.”