Julia Harvey
For the past couple of months, more than thirty orchestra students have prepared for their annual Orchestra Festival, which will be performed on Wednesday, December 16th at 7 pm.
“We do all kinds of different music, from “Purple Haze” by Jimmy Hendrix to what one would think orchestras play, like classical music,” said Orchestra Director Leo Ficks. According to Mr. Ficks, the students have been preparing for the Orchestra Festival since the beginning of the year and will only have one rehearsal with the eighth graders before the actual performance.
“Obviously, during orchestra class we work on the music,” he said. “I’ve been going to Saxe to work with the eighth graders. We only have one rehearsal to put the two groups together. We should know the music well enough by that point.”
High school students enjoy working with the incoming freshman. “I enjoy working with younger kinds because it’s important to see who will be coming into the orchestra,” senior Megan Duffy said. “We give them tips and help them so they can be the best they can.”
Senior Peter Huff agreed. “[The Orchestra Festival] is a good experience. We listen to the eighth graders and teach them. [At the Orchestra Festival] we learn how to play with someone younger than us,” he said. Peter has played the cello since third grade.
Peter hopes this collaboration will help improve the orchestra. “I am looking forward to sounding as good as I possibly can and I hope the orchestra sounds as good as possible,” Peter said.
While this is the eighth graders first experience performing at the high school, some seniors are preparing for their last orchestra performance at NCHS. “These are great last memories of my senior year and playing in the high school orchestra,” Megan said.
Mr. Ficks is also looking forward to something new at the Festival. “We’re doing a piece called Five Ukrainians in a Bell Tower,” he said. “It’s actually a combination of the pieces called “Take Five” and the “Ukrainian Bell Carol”. It has five beats per measure instead of the usual four beats per measure. It’s a nice twist. It is interesting for students and the audience instead of listening to the same old.”
Others hope to see a full house at this year’s performance. “I hope a lot more people come [this year],” senior Fabian Hough said. “Hopefully all parents and students will come.”
The overall sentiment was simply to give it their all. “My only goal is to play the best I can,” Megan said, “because if I don’t, I will regret it in the future.”