New yearbook arrives this week

New yearbook arrives this week

Lucy Paine, Reporter

Perannos, the NCHS yearbook, will be distributed starting Monday June 3, according to yearbook advisor James Zambarano. Seniors will have the first opportunity to receive their yearbooks. They can pick them up from 2:30-5 on Monday. For students in other grades, yearbooks will be available the following day, Tuesday June 4, both before and after school, as well as during breaks between exams.

This year’s yearbook was created to capture the essence of the 2023-2024 school year under the theme “Don’t Blink.” “Seniors felt that this theme was perfect to emphasize the importance of cherishing high school moments as they rapidly fade into memories,” Mr. Zambarano said.

The yearbook distribution will occur at the bottom of the stairwell leading to the cafeteria. Students are required to bring their school ID for verification purposes, and staff will cross-reference a list of those who purchased the books to ensure each student receives their pre-ordered yearbook. Emails will be sent out to every student who has purchased a yearbook so that there is no confusion regarding who is entitled to one. For those who did not pre-order, approximately 50 extra yearbooks will be available for purchase on the day of distribution. The cost for these additional copies will be $100.

Perranos is produced by a small group of students taking the yearbook class who put a lot of work into creating more than 400 pages of content. “It’s a lot of work to get those visual elements and the theme to gel,” Mr. Zambarano said. “I hope people recognize the effort and enjoy this year’s yearbook.”