Jenny Levine
Arts, Entertainment, and Technology Editor
NCHS students and faculty were met with sad news on the first day back from a short hiatus. Long time sub, Kay Timmis, passed away over the weekend. With the passing of the seemingly immortal and untouchable Ms. Timmis, we are reminded that because life is fleeting, we should spend it doing exactly what we love.
So let’s choose to remember Ms. Timmis through the lens of what she loved doing, subbing NCHS kids.

photo by Sean Davidson and Hannah Kirkpatrick
1. On the changing atmosphere of NCHS:
It’s so neat; I love how the melting pot is much better now than when I started out here.
2. On students liking who they are:
In school, you can’t like yourself if you’re cheating to get through, and you can’t like yourself if you’re picking on everybody. I want the kids to like themselves here and when they leave this school.
3. On kindness:
It’s very disturbing for me to see people hurt each other, because kindness is the most important quality to have.
4. On the trouble of subbing:
Sometimes I’ll see a student looking so sad, and I ask them, ‘are you ok?’, and you know that they aren’t. I suppose one of the struggles for substitute teachers is knowing that you are just there for them temporarily, and they won’t confide in you and allow you to help them.
5. On staying humble:
I feel I get the respect I am due, but I am doing this because I enjoy doing it. I get as much out of this job as I give. I don’t think I need to be recognized.