Melissa Rizzo, Editor in Chief
When considering their future career, many students will aim for a job that lies within a field they feel passionate about such as medicine, law, engineering..etc. But what about students who don’t feel passionate about a specific vocation, but are instead invigorated by a mission? Guidance counselor, Nick Willett, has always been driven by his desire to help others. This has led him through multiple different career paths where he has discovered several nuances of his passion. These experiences have vastly shaped the approach Mr. Willett now takes to being a guidance counselor.
Starting off as a camp counselor, he was motivated to provide children with the same incredible experience he had as a camper. “I was a camp kid myself, so I saw the value in camping as a result of my great experiences,” said Mr. Willett.

Transitioning from being a camp counselor to being a camp director, to finally holding an executive position at the YMCA, Mr. Willett was able to revel in his passion for helping others. “The best part for me was going to camp, and helping others reach their goals,” Mr. Willett said.
While working as an executive, Mr. Willett was able to recognize the individuality of each student. “I listened really well to the campers, which allowed me to best help them. Some campers were more interested in improving in a sport, while others in art..etc. Regardless, my goal was to help them get whatever they wanted from their time at camp,” Mr. Willett said.
After having spent 20 years working at the YMCA, Mr. Willett’s passion for helping others led him to a career in guidance counseling. “I was naturally led into counseling because I realized how much people valued my ability to listen non-judgmentally,” said Mr. Willett.
Now, as a guidance counselor, Mr. Willett enjoys the parts of his job that are most similar to his mission as a YMCA executive. “The best part of my job is knowing that I’m here to help and guide students in the right direction,” Mr. Willett said.
Just as Mr. Willett was previously guided by his positive experiences as a camper, he is now, as a guidance counselor, inspired by people who have shown him support throughout his lifetime. “I’ve always been very appreciative of everyone that believed in me and who has helped me get to where I am. I was never the best at this or that, but people saw the strengths in me regardless,” said Mr. Willett.
People such as his parents, twin, and teachers have provided Mr. Willett with constant encouragement. “Looking back it’s people who have shown me support that have really impacted my life,” said Mr. Willett.
It’s this kind of support that has allowed Mr. Willett to follow his passion, while also providing him with the tools to overcome any nay-sayers along the way. “I have the type of personality that when someone tells me that I can’t do something, I become even more motivated,” Mr. Willett said.
Reflecting on these experiences has shaped the way Mr. Willett approaches school counseling. “I encourage students to find what they enjoy and to make an impact in the world based on their strengths. I always tell my students to follow their hearts and what they believe to be most important to them,” said Mr. Willett.
Mr. Willett always supports his students, hoping to provide them with the tools to be able to take leaps of faith later on in life. “I went from 20 years in the YMCA, to then quitting and becoming a school counselor 14 years ago. I made that leap of faith because I felt like this was absolutely right for me,” Mr. Willett said.
Often when helping and supporting his students, Mr. Willett will remind them to appreciate the unpredictability of life. “Always be open to whatever door might be opening to you. Naturally, let it happen; let your life happen,” said Mr. Willett.