Larson Riccoboni, Reporter
One of my favorite reads during quarantine has been “Murder on the Orient Express,” by Agatha Christie. This was my first time reading one of her books, although I’ve become familiar with her stories through the TV show, “Poirot” and various movie adaptations of her bestsellers. But, I had not previously seen an adaptation of this particular novel – so I went in completely spoiler-free.

A brief summary of the plot: Private detective Hercules Poirot is a passenger on the Orient Express, and though he isn’t on the job, he can’t help but notice some suspicious activity. Meanwhile, a man known as Ratchett approaches Poirot, recognizing him as a renowned detective, and begs him for his help. Why? Ratchett fears he will be murdered. Poirot turns him down, dismissing the case. The next morning, Ratchett is found murdered in his cabin, stabbed to death. Incidentally, the train has also stopped – stuck in a snowbank. It is now up to Poirot to decipher which of the 13 passengers killed Ratchett.
Christie is regarded as one of the most revered mystery writers, and for good reason. I will definitely be reading more of her work in the future. Her writing is gripping, and the way she formulates such developed and interesting characters is so great to see. It’s also a relatively short read, a good mystery to “binge” if you will. Though most of her works were written in the 1920s-40s, her writing never comes across as dry or boring – I think it retains its relatability and intrigue. I was so anxious to find out the end that I read the whole thing in one sitting! I have to say, the ending was not a typical one – I was caught totally by surprise! But once Poirot revealed all, I could see all the dots connected – a perfectly formulated mystery wrapped up neatly in a satisfying ending. If you are looking for a classic “Whodunit”, with captivating characters and an enthralling plot, I would highly recommend “Murder on The Orient Express” by Agatha Christie.