Sara McCloskey
Managing Editor
Today, in celebration of her birthday, Lisa Floryshak-Windman is sending books to female soldiers in combat through Ladies of Liberty.
These books are sent to mothers in war so they can read to their children by video, while stationed abroad.
Ladies of Liberty , an extension of the organization Soldiers’ Angels, sends care packages to women serving the nation. These packages consist of personal hygiene and leisure materials to support deployed service members.
Ms. Windman indicated that she wanted to give back through books because she respects the importance of reading. “I love reading nonfiction books, finding out new information, telling stories, and reading to little kids. Parents reading to their children is an important part of their growth, which is why I’m involved in this project,” she said.
Ms. Windman heard about Ladies of Liberty through her best friend who is one of the coordinators for Connecticut. Her friend asked her to do a project where she would send letters and pledges to soldiers. After doing this, Ms. Windman was inspired to do further work with Ladies of Liberty. “If you wanted to be involved in an organization get as involved as you want to be, but you have to do it with all of your heart,“ she said.
To get involved in Soldier’s Angels, just sign up online and pick the project that most interests you. Each project spends time working on a specific way to cater to soldiers or their families. Some examples of teams are: Angel Bakers, a project that specializes in baked goods for soldiers; Blankets of Belief , a team that donates blankets to servicemen in order to boost morale; and Letter Writing, a group of dedicated writers who correspond directly with soldiers.