Les Mis debuts this weekend: tickets are selling fast

Les Mis debuts this weekend: tickets are selling fast

Anna Fiorito, Reporter

For the first time in two decades, New Canaan High School is taking on one of the most ambitious productions in its history: Les Misérables. From March 20-22, this musical, famous for its historical significance and emotional depth, will be brought to life by the students of NCHS.

Tickets are available for puchase at the NCHS Theater website.

Set against the backdrop of the political and social landscape of 19th-century France, Les Misérables explores powerful themes of justice, redemption, and sacrifice. As characters struggle to find meaning and purpose in their lives, the musical paints a vivid portrait of love, loss, and the pursuit of freedom. It is a story of hope in the face of despair, and the choices people make that can change the course of history.

Senior Henry Tate, who plays the lead role of Jean Valjean, knows just how challenging it is to bring Les Misérables to life on stage. “It’s a ridiculously complicated story,” he said. “The musical simplifies a lot from the book, but at its core, it’s about Valjean trying to build a new life while constantly being chased by Javert. There’s also the student revolution, a love story, and these big themes of justice and redemption.” 

One of the biggest challenges for the cast has been adjusting to the fact that there are no normal lines; the entire show is sung. Unlike many other musicals where scenes switch between dialogue, dance, and song, Les Misérables requires the actors to perform everything through music. “It’s really different from our past productions,” Henry said. “Usually, we have separate rehearsals for acting, singing and dancing, but this time, it’s just singing and staging.” 

Lead actors Henry Tate and Francesca Limone act out a scene in the dress rehearsal of Les Mis

Sophomore Hank Durfee, who has been in four previous NCHS productions, agreed that the singing makes Les Misérables stand out. “There’s barely any traditional choreography, which is rare for a musical,” he said. “Instead, we’re spending hours learning harmonies and figuring out how to stage every single moment with music.”

 Rehearsals have been very intense, with the cast working tirelessly to master the music’s notation and bring emotion to every scene. Henry, as the lead, has a particularly heavy workload. “It’s definitely been a challenge, but it’s also so rewarding,” he said. “Valjean’s journey is so powerful, and getting to bring that to life on stage is an incredible experience.”

Behind the scenes, the technical aspects of Les Misérables are just as impressive as the performances on stage. Clare Parelli, the show’s stage manager, explained the immense amount of work required to bring this large production to life. “This is by far the biggest show we’ve had in a really long time,” she said. “We’ve got trap doors, theatrical haze for fog effects, and a massive rotating set that includes a giant barricade.” 

The barricade, which plays a key role in the musical’s revolutionary scenes, is one of the most challenging and exciting parts of the set. It was designed and built entirely by students. “It’s huge with moving parts, and it plays a major role in one of the most intense scenes of the show,” Clare said. 

In addition to the stunning set pieces, the technical crew plays a critical role in ensuring that everything runs smoothly. The crew is responsible for managing everything behind the scenes, from lighting cues to sound effects. “If something happens on stage that isn’t the actors, it’s because the stage crew is making it happen,” Clare said. The technical team’s efforts are crucial in creating the world of Les Misérables. Their attention to detail and coordination with the cast is what helps make the production come to life and allows the audience to feel fully absorbed in the experience.

From the powerful story to the impressive technical elements, Les Misérables is shaping up to be one of New Canaan High School’s most remarkable productions. The cast and crew are excited to share their hard work with everybody. “The performances are breathtaking, the story is powerful, and the amount of work that’s gone into it is unbelievable.” Clare said. 

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