On Thursday, December 22 from 2:30-3:00 pm, New Canaan High School will host a memorial service to dedicate a bench in honor of Kelly Devine, an English teacher and reading specialist at NCHS who passed away in April this year, according to an announcement in the weekly update distributed by Principal William Egan.

The bench, which is located at the front of the school by the newly planted gardens, is a gift from the PFA. A short dedication ceremony will take place outside and will be followed by refreshments in the school lobby. Students, parents, and alumni are all welcome.
English Department chair Evan Remley will be saying a few words at Thursday’s brief ceremony. “Nearly every school day last year, I would find Kelly dutifully standing outside her classroom during passing time, greeting students with a broad smile,” he said. “One day I asked her how she could possibly be so cordial and peppy every morning. She smiled and laughed in her infectious way and explained that it had just become a habit.”