Keeping up with your resolutions

Keeping up with your resolutions

Caroline Castle, Senior Editor

Dear people who have failed to keep up with their resolutions,

I will be the first to admit, I have definitely broken my New Year’s Resolution over the past month. And when I say I have broken it, I mean I maaaaybe kept up with it for a day and never tried to restart it again. What was it you ask? Well, it was somewhere along the lines of staying healthy, happy, and positive, but me being me, staying happy means eating all the junk food I can without regret and taking endless naps, ignoring the fact that I should go to the gym.

I have decided (mainly because I have no boyfriend for Valentine’s Day) that February is going to be the ACTUAL new year. How will we start this ‘new year’ off? Well lets make a plan to keep motivated throughout the month and see how it goes from there.

Here are my steps to make this new 11-month year the most productive and keep our New Year’s Resolutions going!

Step One: Make a calendar.

When I say make a calendar, plan out how your days are going to happen. Whether you have to babysit, go to work, or exercise, plan it out to keep you motivated and aware of what you need to accomplish for the day. Don’t forget, and REALLY DON’T FORGET to plan out leisure time. This is probably the most important aspect of this tip because it is what will keep you sane, and let’s face it, we all love some goooood Netflix.

Step Two: Grab a buddy.

Having someone to go through these resolutions with will totally help you achieve your goals. Since you both will be working towards the same goals, it is helpful when there is someone to motivate you. Sometimes when you get really serious about something you want to get done and it doesn’t work out how you plan it to, this person will be there to crack a joke and lift you up which will help you keep a positive mindset. Not to mention a little healthy competition never hurt anyone (like racing at the gym).

Step Three: Create a Checklist.

When you write out your goals, it helps you keep them fresh in your mind so you know what you’re working towards everyday. Once you have completed something, crossing it out or checking it off makes you feel accomplished and pushes you to meet more of your goals.

Step Four: Treat Yourself

When you finish or meet a goal that you really wanted to complete, treat yourself! Finishing something is a great accomplishment, and you should be aware and proud of how you’ve done. Whether it’s Cold Stone, a trip to your favorite store, or just giving yourself a break, you deserve it!

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