Emma Nolan, Reporter
Ever since sophomore Kaylin Bean was four years old, she has been playing the piano and writing her own original music. Recently, Kaylin took her love for music to a new level and decided to record a music video for her song, ‘I Might Be’.
“‘I Might Be’ is about being your own person even though people are going to judge you for it, so you might as well be who you are and be yourself anyways,” Kaylin said. “It’s just basically saying how you shouldn’t judge me for all these things I might be, if you don’t even know me.”
The message of ‘I Might Be’ stems from Kaylin’s personal experience. “I was bullied when I was younger, and I had to deal with people judging me for who they thought I was, even though they didn’t really know me,” Kaylin said.
Knowing the message she wanted to portray in the song, Kaylin started to fully develop lyrics and music for the piece last spring. When it came time to record the actual videos, Kaylin collaborated with director and author Gordon Gebert and the two put together different segments and recorded audio in the studio, and around New York.

Gordon Gebert, has been in the music industry for a while and wanted to take on Kaylin’s song as soon as he heard it. “When Kaylin started playing and singing original songs I saw talent and took a chance on bringing her into the studio to record ‘I Might Be’,” Gordon said. “It was my idea to film a video for the song, and I saw Kaylin’s talent, passion and dedication when I brought her into the studio.”
Even though the production has begun, the process of producing a music video is long, and time consuming. “When I recorded the song, we took videos of me singing in the studio,” Kaylin said. “After getting clips from the studio, we got video from a park in New York about a month ago.”
In hopes to better depict the music, Kaylin has decided to start filming short clips at NCHS to incorporate in the video. “I had to go through a long process to actually get the authorization to shoot video in the school,” Kaylin said. “But in the end it’s going to look really cool.”
Throughout the whole process, Kaylin has had ongoing support from family and friends. Kaylin’s friend, sophomore Hailey Daniel, is expecting the best from Kaylin’s video. “Kaylin showed me and a few other close friends the whole song once she recorded it in the studio this summer,” Hailey said. “The song is amazing, she really got the point across and you can hear the compassion in her voice.”
With the video underway, Kaylin has high hopes of her video’s success. “I’m really hoping people see it. It sends a really good message to everyone listening,” Kaylin said. “It teaches people it’s important to be themselves, and not to judge other people for being themselves either.”