Kate Howard and Lily Kazemi give the low down on News

Kate Howard and Lily Kazemi
News Editors

NCHS finally opened its doors to students on Tuesday, September 6, after an extended week of summer due to Hurricane Irene. We had been busy assembling the news section in preparation for September long before August 31, the original NCPS start date in 2011. Not discouraged by the storm, the faculty and students had high spirits about meeting their teachers, adjusting to their schedule and getting back into the routine of waking up at 6:30 every morning. September has provided much material for our section. Not only have we gotten hit by our first hurricane in 35 years, we also started school up once more with a new principal.

With every new year comes changes. The biggest change, of course, has been the new leadership under our new principal, Dr. Bryan Luizzi, along with a new vice principal and nearly fifteen new faculty members. To help students adjust to these new faces, we have provided an informational article featuring Dr.Luizzi as well as a complete profile of each new teacher.

On Saturday, August 27, Hurricane Irene hit Connecticut, causing one of the greatest power outages the state has ever seen. Though Irene left us without internet access at our respective homes, we were able to battle through this lack of electricity by utilizing New Canaan Library and other wi-fi zones. We managed to cover the story before school started. The story provides information from both students and town resources with a supplemental slide show of the damage around our community.

This September is also a time for reflection and dedication: it marks the tenth anniversary of 9/11. This is a subject we feel deserves much coverage, and we will be dedicating a story based solely on student reflections on the event, as well as informing others about the memorial designed by seniors Lizzie Kilbride, Maggie O’Rourke, Kelly Saiz and Tess Litchman last spring. The 9/11 memorial comprised of images of New Canaan responders to the World Trade Center site by senior Bryan James is also featured in this commemorative article.

Toward the end of the month, expect an in-depth coverage of the 9/11: Ten Years Later assembly, which will be held on September 27.

We can’t think of a better way for Journalism to begin, and can’t wait to kick off our first issue in the 2011-2012 school year as the section editors for News! Make sure you bookmark the NCHS Courant online for timely reports on events happening in the future and follow us on twitter through CourantNewsFeed. Thank you for reading News. Our job is to serve the faculty student body so if you have a tip for News, please contact the Courant.

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