Jersey Shore at the Outback: a sold out hit

Photograph by Selina Kroller
Photograph by Selina Koller

Selina Koller

Last night, the girls’ ice hockey team organized a Jersey Shore themed dance at the Outback as a fundraiser for their program. “[The girls’ hockey team] gets very little funding from the school,” senior Kelsey Durkin said. “We had a competition between the grades on the team to see who could raise the most money, and the seniors decided to have this dance.”

The team sold over 160 tickets for the dance, which was open to students of all grades. “It cost about $750 to rent the Outback, so we made a profit of more than $1000,” Kelsey said.

The team wanted to use a theme for the dance that would be appealing and entertaining to most students. “Clearly Jersey Shore is very popular and interesting to a lot teens, so we wanted a theme that people could dress up for and have fun with,” Kelsey said.

The dance was well attended. The vast majority of attendees embraced their alter identities, liberally applying bronzer and hair gel.

“Overall, the dance was very successful,” Kelsey said. “Not only did we raise a lot of money, but I think people had fun, too.”