Jenny Levine
Blogs Editor

This year I joined the Gay- Straight Alliance club, or rather GSA. I got involved because it bugged me how the LGBTQIA* community is treated by not only the government but by many groups, I honestly thought that the club’s premise was to go to NYC and march in Pride Parades and leave our congressmen angry voicemails. In reality our purpose make people of all sexualities and orientations comfortable in the jungle that is high school. This year our main project was to raise money for rainbow bracelets which we hoped the majority of the school would proudly wear for about a week. During all three lunches we’ll be handing out rubber rainbow bracelets with the expressions, “it’s a pride thing” and “I’m an ally” along with a pledge to make New Canaan High School a safe environment for all people. Advisory/mentoring/our guidance counselors have thrown the phrase, “let’s create a safe environment” in our faces ad nauseam, but screw it I’ll use it anyway; NCHS, as teenagers and human beings, let’s try and not use the words, “gay, fag, and dyke” so casually, you’re not as funny as you think you are, and to a homosexual teen it’s just plain offensive. Although New Canaan may seem… square from the outside there might be one, two, three teens struggling to cope with themselves, and hopefully seeing the high school united in rainbow will give them the strength to be secure with who they really are.