Introducing the 2024-2025 Editor-in-Chiefs

Introducing the 2024-2025 Editor-in-Chiefs

Isabella Madrid, News Editor

Left to right: Ryan Boulanger, Lily Bradley, Tahlia Scherer, Alessandra Gass, Amy Meng, Donovan West

In April, the Courant announced its new Editors-in-Chief (EiCs) for the 2024-2025 school year. Advisors Roman Cebulski and Mike McAteer appointed seven juniors, Ryan Boulanger, Donovan West, Tahlia Scherer, Amy Meng, Lily Bradley, Danielle O’Malley, and as second year EiC, junior Alessandra Gass. 

All of the EiCs have previously held leadership positions in the class, and feel prepared to lead on a larger scale. “I found with experience came growth and leadership. I’m excited to lead more people and take a bigger charge and role in terms of the Courant and help produce excellent work,” Ryan said. 

By virtue of being in Journalism for at least two years, all of the new EiC’s have cultivated valuable leadership skills. “I’ve learned that this class is all about building relationships and collaborating with everyone. If you want to accomplish something, the teachers and class resources basically make anything possible,” said Donovan.  

Incoming EiC Tahlia is most looking forward to collaboration. “My favorite parts of Journalism are getting to collaborate with different people in the class and getting to work on a diverse array of projects,” she said. “My goal for next year is to make connections with the new Journalism 1 (J1) students because I think a big part of the class is the community.” 

Although seven may seem like a large number, Mr McAteer noted that the amount of EiCs are representative of the growth of journalism. “Digital communications have expanded in so many ways, so it’s really important the class provides instruction and opportunities across the spectrum of digital communications,” he said. 

Focusing on many facets of digital communication requires a larger group of executive editors with direct focus in order to produce quality work across mediums. 

When asked about her team of fellow EiCs, Danielle emphasized the qualifications in varying areas of the group. “We have a lot of experience, but in various different categories,” she said. 

Lily’s goals for the Courant are to stay organized across digital platforms. “My goals for the Courant are to be more digital and have a more organized system between our Instagram and YouTube, making sure everything works well together, is organized and easy to upload,” said Lily. 

Former Arts and Tech Editor, Amy, discussed skills she has learned from being in the class. “I joined journalism my sophomore year and as a reporter I learned how to report and write a story, but I learned how to use my own artistic skills while making graphics. As an editor, I got to interact with new reporters and develop conversational skills,” said Amy.

As Alessandra enters her second year as an EiC, she is looking forward to using her experience to be even more successful. “I was able to see everything last year that didn’t really work. By acknowledging that, we can apply that to this year so that we don’t repeat the same mistakes and hopefully have a very fruitful year,” said Alessandra. 

Tahlia emphasized the value of skills beyond writing she has learned in the class. “I joined the class because I really love writing and I didn’t exactly know what journalism meant. However, once you join the class you see that it’s not just about writing, it’s so many other things,” she said. “You can experiment with so many mediums and make lasting connections with new people.”