Impromptu spirit day encourages school unity

Students display red and black outfits Friday. Photo by Isabel Lawrence

Tyler Kendall

On Fri. May 2, there was an impromptu red and black spirit day at NCHS.

The plans to have the spirit day were communicated through the Busseys Bomb Squad and Class of 2014 Facebook pages. “I thought it was really effective that it was organized through the Facebook groups,” senior Alex Robey said. “It mad me feel like I was part of something big.”

The spirit day presented an opportunity to bring the school community closer together. “It’s a nice way to revamp spirit at the end of the year,” senior Annie Ludkte said.

According to the Busseys Bomb Squad Facebook page, the original intent of the spirt day was to support NCHS sport games this weekend. “It’s a great way to rally the school around the upcoming sports season,” junior Matt DeMattia said. “I think it will give our lacrosse team an edge tomorrow against Darien.”

Senior class president Sophia Curiale agreed. “It’s a really great way to show your school spirit,” she said. “Especially since we have a Darien and New Canaan lacrosse game tomorrow.”

All photos below by Hannah Kirkpatrick:


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