Donovan West, Editor-in-Chief
Without inspiration, progress will always be out of reach. Without a spark – something to ignite our drive – we, as individuals and as a society, cannot move forward.
Yet as vital as inspiration is, it’s incredibly hard to create on our own. So, we must find it elsewhere- in the actions of others, in the images that encourage creativity, and in the words of those who dare to think differently.
But that’s easier said than done. True inspiration hides in the darkest of corners, and we often need help to see it. So, members of our NCHS community have done just that; they have taken it upon themselves to help inspire others and invigorate our hallways with a sense of wonder and accomplishment. They have done this by creating the Hub Monsters.

The Hub, the birthing place of the brightly colored monsters spread throughout the school, is a center of learning for the high school’s students with special needs.The first Hub Monster was created in October, and the monsters have grown into treasured symbols of the school’s hallways that represent a sense of positivity and hope that rub off on each and every one of us.
Special Education Teaching Assistant and creator of the Hub Monsters Anne Marasciullo recollected how the first monster was supposed to “just be a Halloween decoration for some of our classrooms.” “I made the first couple, and several staff members reached out to me saying they really liked them, so I made more and more,” she said. “Then, I decided that to keep them up all year, we should decorate the monsters each month with whatever holiday is coming up. The ten or so students in the Hub help me change the decorations and keep them up to date.”
In November, the Hub students decorated the monsters by writing down what they were thankful for. Hub student Ahaan Chawla said that he wrote down things like family, friends, and sporting events like football games. He then talked about how the process had made him think about what he was thankful for, touching on the idea that this small project had inspired a new sense of gratitude within him.
As the months went on and more and more Hub Monsters were born, their impact on the community grew. Nurses Kim McNamara and Betsy Imbrogno were enthusiastic about the responses they had seen to the two Hub Monsters outside of their office. “I think everyone agrees that they’re awesome,” Nurse McNamara said. “You can see the positive impact they have on people in the hallways. Kids see the monsters, feel their soft texture, and walk away with smiles on their faces.”
Ahaan described the impact the monsters had on him. “When I’m having a bad day, I can just go up and touch the monsters and rub the surface. I always walk away feeling a little bit better,” he said.

Principal Bill Egan, who described the sudden appearance of the monsters as an “awesome surprise,” reiterated the monsters’ positive nature. “I think they make all students and staff feel calm and joyful,” he said. “For me, and I think for a lot of other people in the building, they are comforting and relaxing. Seeing the monsters can almost make you feel like a little kid, and that breath of lighthearted positivity is something that we could all use more of.”
To continue the uplifting spirit of the monsters, Ms. Marasciullo and the Hub students have also added inspirational quotes to sit alongside the creatures. From, “Your attitude determines your direction,” to “It doesn’t get easier, you get stronger,” the 13 Hub Monsters located around the school are now all accompanied by an inspirational quote.
Student Body President and senior Susanna Rittenberry reflected on one of the monsters’ quotes, “Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.” “In life, there are so many different opportunities that may at first seem daunting, but in the end, they will be worth it, and you just have to have the courage to try. You need to have the courage to step outside of your comfort zone and welcome change,” she said.
Senior Captain of the boys basketball and volleyball teams Sai Akavaramu reflected on another one of the quotes, “Winners are not people who never fail, but people who never quit.” “I think all people should remember this sentiment at all times, especially when faced with adversity,” he said. “When we were losing in the fourth quarter of a basketball game, quitting was never an option; we would have rather failed miserably than given up. I think this quote definitely has and will continue to inspire me and remind me that the only option is to persevere.”
Principal Egan, who has put an emphasis on having inspirational quotes and words of wisdom around the school, was thrilled to see the positive affirmations accompanying the already positive and uplifting monsters. “These quotes are culture-helpers,” he said. “Putting up the Hub Monsters, or the blackboard quotes as we have done in the past, contributes to a positive and encouraging environment that helps make this place feel like a home.”
And, for Principal Egan, it’s a home that empowers. “While each quote decorating our hallways may not resonate with every single person, all it takes is one kid to make it all worth it; one kid that draws belief and meaning from what they see so that their journey in life is ultimately changed for the better,” he said.
That’s the power of inspiration.
The power to propel someone forward; the power to directly impact an individual’s life.
The hardest part? Finding that power.
For many, the easiest way to find inspiration is through words; by looking at the quotes next to the Hub Monsters and listening to those that think differently. Here are the words that inspire me: “I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars.”