How the Wellness and Enrichment Program can help you reduce stress

How the Wellness and Enrichment Program can help you reduce stress

Malek Sidani, Reporter

A new Wellness and Enrichment program was implemented last year during midterms in an effort to combat midterm stress. The goal is to provide students with different fun activities, free snacks, and quiet areas. ”The school wanted to reduce stress and provide opportunities for students to engage in between midterm exams,” said Assistant Principal Kristi Carriero.

However, the program is not only to reduce stress; it also hopes to give students something to do between exams other than studying. “There’s a lot of different activities that we’re hoping will help students recharge and feel good about themselves,” Ms. Carriero said.

For the 40 minutes between midterms, there will be an assortment of activities that anyone can participate in, including planetarium show, and petting therapy dogs. All the activities will be available every day of midterms, except the planetarium shows, which will only be available on Friday and Tuesday.

The activities are based on both student and faculty interest. “Last year the petting the dogs was the most popular activity, and so it’s back again this year,” Ms. Carriero said. “It’s something that really helped calm students and made them feel good.”

One exciting activity on Friday and Tuesday are the planetarium shows. The planetarium is quiet and dark, so it’s a great place for students to relax. Not only that, but if you look up you can see  the entire universe. “We reached out to teacher experts for different experiences we could provide students during these midterm activities and Mr. Haag thought that a Planetarium show would be an activity that students would enjoy,” said Ms. Carriero.

Ms.Carriero also said that they are constantly looking for student suggestions. “If you have new and different ideas, please feel free to reach out.”

Many students are stressed about midterms, but it’s important to stay calm and have some fun. “I don’t believe they will make midterms easier for students,” Ms. Carriero said. ”Hopefully they will relieve a little of the pressure students feel and help put them in the right frame of mind.”