Caroline Knightly, Features Editor

To most NCHS students lounging by the pool at the Field Club sounds like a typical New Canaan summer; however some students are more used to, packing their bags and hopping on a plane at the end of the school year. Whether it’s flying south to another country or driving to different state, spending the whole summer in another location is looked at as their traditional summer.
A classic spring break trip may be flying to Cancun, Mexico with a group of friends or family; However for sophomore, Sebastian Mauleon, this has been a regular visit anytime holidays or summer comes around. “I have a house in Mexico and I’ve been going there my whole life,” Sebastian said. “Every summer, all summer, Christmas break, and spring break.”
Instead of hanging out in a friend’s basement playing video games or watching a movie, Sebastian chooses to spend his days a little differently in Mexico. “It’s a different environment in Mexico,” Sebastian said. “There’s no such thing as ‘sitting inside.’ I’m either on the boat, snorkeling, boxing, or at the beach.”
For Sebastian, being away from New Canaan for two months isn’t a bad thing because of his close relationship he shares with family and friends there. “It’s nice to get away sometimes,” Sebastian said. “I miss my friends during the summer, but I have great friends and family in Mexico and I enjoy myself wherever I am when I’m there.”
With close family and friends in Mexico, Sebastian hopes to continue visiting as much as he can when he’s older. “I love being in Mexico for the time that I am,” Sebastian said. “I hope when I’m older, I’m fortunate enough to have my own house there and visit as much as possible.”
Like Sebastian, sophomore Maria Fagerstal has been traveling abroad every summer since she was born. “I’ve been going to Sweden since I was a baby,” Maria said. “My whole dad’s side and half of my mom’s side lives there along with some old childhood

friends that I still talk to today.”
For Maria, leaving New Canaan for the summer is something she looks forward to. “To be honest, I don’t really miss it here during the summer at all,” Maria said. “It’s nice to take a break from everything, like the anxiety and stress. Sweden is a much more carefree and easygoing place.”
The Swedish weather gets maria excited for a summer of outdoor activities.“It’s always light out,” Maria said. “I’m always outside swimming in the lake or just going on walks with my dogs and family because it’s beautiful out everyday.”
Maria hopes to continue visiting Sweden and one day, live there. “I plan on going to Sweden every year for the rest of my life,” Maria said. “Living there would definitely be a gift because it’s so beautiful and such a calm and relaxed environment all the time. I know I’m fortunate to visit such a wonderful place every summer.”
Difference in cultures between New Canaan and Sweden is a change Maria has to get used to every time the school year comes to a close. “I definitely appreciate my life in Sweden more when I’m there versus when I’m in New Canaan and vise versa,” Maria said. “They’re two totally different places and I’m lucky to experience both cultures of at this young of an age.”
Like Sebastian and Maria, sophomore Jimmy Abbruzzetti enjoys his family heritage in Italy during the summer months. “I’ve been going to Italy every summer for the last seven years,” Jimmy said. “It’s great to see my family and friends every year.”

The cultural differences between New Canaan and Italy is what makes Jimmy interested in going back to Italy every summer. “The people in Italy are much nicer and more relaxed,” Jimmy said. “And being able to speak a different language is much more interesting.”
A typical day for Jimmy in Italy differs from the vacations he spends in New Canaan. “I’m at the beach every day in Italy during the summer,” Jimmy said. “It’s better than sitting at home playing video games or watching TV.”
Being able to visit a tropical or foreign place during the summer serves as a privilege for Sebastian. “I’m blessed to have two beautiful houses, one being in Mexico,” Sebastian said. “Visiting Mexico every summer will be a memory I have the for the rest of my life.”