Have no fear, your promblems stop here!

Ken and Barbie take on prom.

Emilie Kushner

It’s that time of year again. No, I’m not talking about Christmas or any holiday for that matter, I’m talking about a more substantial and important time of year. With just four letters, this word can bring shivers down the spines of upperclassmen; prom.

Have no fear; I’m here to help. No idea what to wear to prom? I know all the scoop about the new prom fashion, so trust me, you’re in good hands.

To begin with girls, which I happen to be an expert on, there’s a new trend in dress styles and I think whoever invented this deserves an award. To start off with some background, any girl who has ever attended prom can vouch that on the dance floor it’s like an oven under those layers of poly-blend. You’d think a rational girl would go short for her prom dress choice but no way, short dresses happen to be a dead giveaway that you do not go to our school and are awkwardly here with some guy you barely know. Junior Meredith Jonker thought about wearing a short dress to this upcoming junior prom. “I feel like everyone in our school wears long dresses but I like some short dresses.” she said. “But I wouldn’t wear them because in the past the majority of people have sided towards long dresses.”

So in the dire case that you do need to sport the ball gown, maybe opt for something more sensible and something that is new in style: high-low. I’m sure you’ve seen these skirts in many a hipster’s closet, or fresh out of Brandy Melville stores, but now this stylish trend has gateway-ed into prom fashion, which means cool runnings for all us girls who enjoy a suitable body temperature. So take a risk and show off this new style, the only downside is I recommend you ladies shave your legs.

The top is undoubtedly important too, whether it be strapless, one shoulder, long-sleeve, whatever floats your boat. “An interesting and flashy top is a great way to make a simple dress fun,” Katherine Smith said. “I personally like one shoulders because it shows some skin but it won’t be too much.”

Now on to the next hot topic: color. I may be biased seeing as I rocked a white dress last year to jprom, but for those girls who want their tan to be scintillating, I highly recommend it. Then again, last year’s prom dinner and my dress did not mesh.

Junior Julie Newton who attended prom last year categorized the typical prom dress. “The fashion for girls is definitely typically long, bright colored but simple dresses.” While many opt for bright colors, there will most definitely be a lot of white at jprom this year so if you want to stand out from the crowd, choose wisely.

On the subject of white, it is often difficult for guys to choose between the various options that are male prom attire. Basically it’s between black or white tuxedos.

Senior Scott Cerick recalls his past junior prom where he “repped a white tux.” However, pulling this off is not easy, Senior Hunter Van Veghel who also wore white described dressing for prom, as “basically a combination of class and swag, if you have both you’re set.”

As a guy who has not yet experienced the phenomena of prom, Sophomore Robby Paul disagrees with wearing white. “I think the whole white thing is disgusting,” he said.

Contrary to popular belief, and my previous statement, prom fashion for guys is nearly as stressful as it is for girls. “I know it can be quite confusing to go shopping for prom as a guy because there’s that ambiguity as to what tuxedo to chose.” Junior Harrison Burt said, “The simple black tux with a bow tie that matches your date’s dress is always a valid choice but if you are in the mood to do something different from your friends, you can always go with an all white suit or just doing partially white with another color of your choice.”

As April 27 nears (don’t worry seniors, you have a little more time) I hope to see a lot of fashion risks at prom. Whether it’s one shoulder, strapless, bow tie or tuxedo t-shirt (rumor has it Colin Welsh will be sporting one) prom is the most important time of your life and I hope you dress accordingly.