Grandparents and their great wisdom

Grandparents and their great wisdom

Mariana Illarramendi, Reporter

There is something you can learn from all of the souls you come across. I think grandparents in particular offer a lot of insight. I don’t see my grandparents often, but this holiday break I had a chance to visit them. I know I will cherish the memories we made forever.

It is simply incredible to have people in your life that have passed through stages that you have not yet reached. Parents offer that as well, yet grandparents go beyond. Parents have a lot going on, especially with work, leaving little time to sit down and reflect. For grandparents- especially during this very stationary pandemic- things are different.

I was surprised to find that my grandmother and grandfather collectively taught me so much in just a few short days. In fact, they gave me a whole speech on Chinese dynasties and the industrial revolution, which has proved very helpful in my history class! My grandfather Ramon dazzled me with tales of his experience as a diplomat, as well as his resilience, strong will, and devotion to our faith. My grandmother Emma, on the other hand, gave me great advice about patience. She told me that it took her a long time to find and accept patience, but that it’s worth maintaining. So often if you wait situations out, things will fall into place. Whatever is meant to be, will eventually be. All in all, my visit was enlightening. I hope you take the time to, if possible, really connect, speak with, and learn from your grandparents sometime soon, as their wisdom is unmatched!