Paige Lewis
While many students plan to spend their April break relaxing on the beach in the sun or skiing on the slopes, senior Carl Fagerstal has decided to lend a hand to a community in need. Over break, he will travel to Havana, Cuba with the club, Full Court Peace (FCP), where the club members will help to rebuild basketball courts for underprivileged children.

“Full Court Peace is a non-profit charitable organization with a mission to unite, strengthen and educate local & global communities through the creation of (youth) basketball systems,” Carl said. Since 2009, FCP has been organizing basketball ambassador trips to Cuba to improve the relation between Cubans and Americans, in addition to renovating run down courts in destitute countries such as Mexico and Ireland.
Carl, who is the president and founder of the FCP Club at NCHS, is the only student from the club going on the trip this year, but will be traveling with students from other schools throughout Fairfield County.
Several students took the trip to Havana last year and had an unforgettable experience.“The trip was a great experience,” Senior Claude Chandonnet said. “I got see to a part of the world that most people don’t get the chance to see while positively impacting people with very different backgrounds.”
Claude was introduced to FCP last year through Mike Evans, the NCHS boys varsity basketball coach and executive director and founder of the organization. Claude is still associated with the club this year, and he plans on going on the trip to Cuba again in July.
On these trips to Cuba, students both build basketball courts and play with the Cuban kids in FCP sponsored tournaments and leagues. “My favorite part was meeting all the kids and adults that helped us rebuild the courts and playing in a basketball tournament with them,” Claude said.
After hearing about the trip from his friends, Carl is eager to begin his experience in Cuba. “These trips in the past have been incredibly successful,” he said. “I expect that this one will be as well in giving the Cuban locals a place to play, have fun, and grow closer as a community.”

The group hopes that their interactions with Cuban communities will leave a positive impact on the community. “We plan on interacting with the locals by getting them involved in the construction and game playing process,” Carl said. “ We want them to have a place that they can value: one of fun, relaxation, and most importantly, community building. Our interactions with the locals, will not only speak volumes to FCP’s efforts in Cuba, but will also show that Cuba’s northern neighbor have not forgotten about them, and wish to have a positive relationship with the Cuban people.”
The club members believe that the trip is an important step in breaking Cuba’s isolation. “In a country that has been undercut by the rest of the world for the last 50 years, assistance like these trips from FCP are incredibly valuable in repairing those damaged relationships with the outside world and more importantly giving underprivileged Cubans a place to come together, whereas without our help they wouldn’t have the opportunity or the luxury of being able to do so,” Carl said.
Not only will the trip serve to benefit Cuban communities, but it will also be gratifying to FCP club members. “I think this trip will be a very eye-opening experience,” Carl said. “Aside from the great benefits of being able to help and interact with the local community, I feel that this trip will be greatly beneficial to my outlook on the world and it will give me a deeper appreciation of how well we have it here in New Canaan.”