From Runway to Hallway: New York Fashion Week Influences student fashion

From Runway to Hallway: New York Fashion Week Influences student fashion

Bridget Flatow, Reporter

A girl walks out of the library wearing low-waisted pants and a chocolate brown top, at the same time, a guy walks into the cafeteria wearing a plaid shirt and jeans. Whether they know it or not, the clothes they are wearing have been hand-picked for New York Fashion Week and trickled down to them. 

“A lot of the time, people don’t realize the trend is from fashion week, they just find it from other people and influencers,” said Senior Kate Shumway, Fashion Editor of 203 Magazine. “At fashion events brands target influencers because they know that teens are following them.” 203 Magazine is the “high school’s student-run online magazine focusing on women’s well-being in all aspects of life: fashion & beauty, health & mental wellness, sports, and pop culture.”

Junior Melania Germosen, FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America) Vice President finds that social media influences her fashion the most and feels that it influences her peers as well. “If I didn’t have social media I probably wouldn’t know anything about Fashion Week.” 

Although students see New York Fashion Week through social media, many say that they don’t necessarily give it direct credit for their fashion choices. “People get their fashion inspiration from influencers and social media, but we are not giving credit where credit is due,” Senior Mimi Stallings, President of 203 Magazine said.  “New York Fashion Week is the main source of where trends come from and we are just getting it where it trickles down.” 

Fashion trends are translated into the consumer world through accessible brands where students often purchase their clothes. “High-end established brands show clothes at Fashion Week and then middle pricepoint companies follow trends,” Career and Tech teacher Kelly Zilly said.  “It eventually trickles down to fast fashion brands” 

This system, credited as the “trickle down” system according to Ms. Zilly, inspires what items are on the racks of the clothing stores where students shop at and what students actually buy. “We are able to appreciate the actual runway and then we can take inspiration from that and purchase clothes at more affordable places.” Senior Mia Barlow, Fashion Editor of 203 Magazine said.   

New York Fashion week also influences the social causes students pay attention to.  As New York Fashion Week runway brands start to make steps towards sustainability, students are following in their footsteps. “There has become a trend of wanting to have basic clothes that are sustainable and that you can wear with every outfit,” Mimi Stallings said. 

“New York Fashion Week brings attention to the topics that brands are focusing on, like environmental issues, so students can become more aware about issues while also learning about fashion,” Kate Shumway said.

Whether they know it or not, students are strongly influenced by New York Fashion Week. “I think a lot of students don’t even realize that the clothes they are buying as well as their own sense of style and the social issues they are paying attention to can all be connected back to New York Fashion Week,” said Melania Germosen.