Flipping her way to fame

Caroline Fitzpatrick practices on the beam. Photo by Julia Hardy

Emily Wood

If you were to ask any NCHS student who the best hockey player in the school is, they would immediately tell you Olivia Hompe.  But if you were to ask them who in our school is a four time State Champion gymnast, most people would be stumped.
Junior Caroline Fitzpatrick is the “unsung hero” of gymnastics. Caroline began taking preschool classes at Arena gymnastics after her brother became interested in the sport. She was soon hooked on the amazing feeling she got after preforming her routines. “The adrenaline you get once you finish your routine and knowing what you did paid off” are the reasons Caroline has become so dedicated to the sport.
Caroline has come a long way since those early days. She was named State champion in 2007 for vault, beam, and “All-Around” and then again in 2011 for bars, beam, and “All-Around”. Caroline was also the Eastern Region Champion, placing first on the bars and beam in 2010, and then adding “All-Around” to the combination in 2011.

However these titles did not come without a struggle. Enduring the back-breaking practices was only half of the battle for Caroline’s success. The hardest part of gymnastics for Caroline has always been staying committed and determined throughout her high school years. “Sometimes you just think ‘why am I even doing this?’” Caroline said. “Keeping your goals in mind helps you realize that all of your hard work will pay off in the end.”

Having attended many regional and national meets, Caroline is no stranger to pressure and the nerves that come along with competing at a high level. But by staying home and resting, she is able to prepare for the meets both mentally and physically. “I know it’s kinda cliche, but envisioning myself doing the routine in my head helps,” Caroline said. “I don’t think of what could go wrong.”

Caroline has continued her training at Arena Gymnastics with her coaches, Laurie and Frank DeFrancesco. “I’ve competed with Arena my entire life and I’ve been here since preschool , so it’s become my second home,” she said. And although she is not on the high school team, her achievements are an outstanding representation for New Canaan.

As for the upcoming 2012 season, Caroline is determined to improve her skills and upgrade levels of her routines. Her goal for this season is to go further then she did last year and compete to her highest potential.

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