Final exams schedule and tips

Final exams schedule and tips

Emily Telesco, Blogs Editor

Final exams start next week on Wednesday, June 5, which means it’s time to start preparing. That said, there are some important things to know ahead of time in terms of scheduling, as well as preparation tips in order to be successful. 

Primarily, one big change is that the exam order has been reversed. This means that the period 8 final will be first, and then it will run backwards until period 1. The final exam period will end on June 11, and make-up days will be immediately after on June 12 and 14. “We changed the schedule this semester just to mix it up, so the period 8 classes don’t have to go last again,” Assistant Principal Ari Rothman said. 

In addition, it’s always important to start preparing early for the exams instead of cramming the night before. Math teacher Jamie Courbron provided some of her best tips for doing so. “I would recommend students complete the review packet on their own first, leaving any questions they have no idea about blank and circling ones they struggled with but made an attempt,” she said, “Then, they should check their answers with the teacher’s answer key and highlight any mistakes as conceptual or computational. 

Ms. Courbron also suggests making study sheets for each unit with the important information color coded, and any necessary formulas. “Think of this as a sheet you would give to someone if you were teaching them the entire unit in one sitting,” she said.

One aspect of test-taking many seem to forget is that preparing for exams goes beyond just studying. It’s also important to take care of your body and mental health. “The night before, review your materials a little bit but don’t go crazy. Instead, focus on getting a good night’s sleep, eating a good breakfast before your exam, and staying calm,” Ms. Courbron said. 

Lastly, it’s important to go into your exams with a positive mentality. “Remind yourself that you have worked hard and prepared well for this exam. Tell yourself you are going to do amazing and that you’ve got this,” Ms. Courbron said.