Malek Sidani, Reporter
On November 14, Fallout 76 by Bethesda Softworks was released on Ps4 Xbox 1, and Pc. Although anticipated by some, Fallout 76’s release was also controversial, because it is “completely online”. Fallout 76 is an open world like its predecessors, but now other players can find each other and interact. Many players and critics have frowned on this choice because it is nothing like Fallout has ever seen, but Bethesda has exceeded expectations by implementing a truly awesome multiplayer system.
Whether you want to trade items, sell weapons, team up, or 1v1, Fallout multiplayer will not disappoint you. When I heard Fallout would have multiplayer, I pictured an open world where at any moment you might find yourself battling another player. However, most players I’ve met I’ve either traded with or teamed up with. One player even gave me a disease cure. Not only this, players are usually pretty spread out over the massive map. You can fight random people in an open world, but I don’t advise making a habit of battling randoms. The combat in Fallout relies heavily on weapon level, which depends heavily on power level, so unless someone with a lower level than you starts the fight, I like to steer clear of random combat. Multiple times I’ve had superior players try to get me to fight them, but it’s a death sentence to take the bait.

Fallouts trading system works like a charm, meanwhile, and is infinitely safer. You will be shown your trading partner’s entire inventory, including their weapons, apparel, and aid. You can charge caps, swap items, or even give items for free. If someone is inspecting your inventory, you can offer an item, set the price, and speak over game chat, which turns on automatically when you begin to trade. This is definitely my favorite feature of Fallout multiplayer, because it’s the most helpful, and almost everyone is willing to trade.
If you are looking for combat, There are a couple ways to approach this.
1. Pick a Fight with a random player: If you approach a player and attack them, you give them two options. They can choose to ignore you, in which case your attacks will do a small percentage of damage to them, or they can attack you back, which will result in both your weapons doing full damage.
2. Be a Bounty Hunter: If a player kills another player for no reason, and the killed player doesn’t fight back or accept the challenge, then the killer is marked on the map, for a cap reward. If you want a 1-v-1 with no downside, then playing bounty hunter is a surefire way of collecting caps, all the while getting rid of griefers.

If you want a less random type of battle, however, just open your pip-boy, head over to radio, and tune into the hunt or be hunted chat. The hunter/hunted station is a unique station pits you against an opponent. Your job will be to hunt down and kill a target or avoid your hunter at all costs. Whether you’re settling down in your B.A.S.E with your turrets( a very safe bet) and preparing for the worst, or slowly stalking your evasive target, hunt or be hunted is as exciting as it is terrifying. I personally love this mode because it’s perfect for combat seekers, as it combines a more traditional shooter experience with Fallout’s open world.