Monica Nair & Harrison Burt
Layout and Graphic Editor & Reporter
Monica Nair
Just to start off, I’m not the bravest viewer when it comes to seeing a scary movie. I’m usually that person in the back of the theater who screams every time the thumping, haunting music comes on (I also tend to jump out of my seat from time to time). You’re probably wondering why I decided to thrill myself by seeing House at the End of the Street on a Thursday night (yes, a school night, such a rebel)? I guess in some ways, I was hoping that it wouldn’t be as scary as anticipated. With Jennifer Lawrence as the main character, I had a thought in the back of my head that at some point in the film, she would jump out from a crowd and volunteer as tribute, and somehow this scary movie would turn into a sci-fi flick trailing off from the Hunger Games. That didn’t happen. While this was only a PG-13 rated movie (I know, how scary can it really be if it’s not ‘R’, right?) I still managed to cover my eyes through more than half the gory scenes. The movie starts off with Elissa, aka J-Lawrence, and her mom (played by Elizabeth Shue) who move from Chicago to a new house in a quiet, wooded area in Pennsylvania. The fam is happy to be able to purchase the house on such a bargain, with the exception that the family next door was murdered by, supposedly, their daughter four years earlier, and the son, Ryan (aka Max Thieriot) still lives there… (because that’s not spooky or anything…). You’re probably thinking that you have the entire plot of this flick figured out by now, there’s a haunting demon lurking in the floorboards or in the a secret room of the house, and somebody gets possessed? Well, no, sorry. There’s actually, drum roll please….A TWIST! This film left me feeling that 1. Never move to Pennsylvania 2. Be a little more careful about who you befriend (don’t get into a stranger’s car…poor Jennifer learned that the hard way) and 3. I should probably keep a closer eye on what goes on in my neighbors’ house.
As for Sinister (never actually got to see because I was too scared), but the plot goes a little like this…According to movie critics, it’s a frightening thriller with the same producer from “Paranormal Activity” so…that should say enough. It deals with a true crime novelist who discovers a box of mysterious, disturbing home movies (weird right?) that leads to his family dealing with a supernatural, horrifying experience. If there are any brave souls out there I definitely recommend you go see these films, they’re the perfect way to get you into the thrilling halloween spirit.
Harrison Burt
There’s nothing I love more than the thrill you get when watching a good horror movie. I will always be the one to nominate anything in the “suspense” section of IO when deciding which film to order. With that, it was nothing other than a great adventure when I decided to go out and see V/H/S. This movie is a collection of discovered footage of a criminal group’s hiring by a mysterious third party to break and enter into a country home, with the goal of finding an unusual tape. After searcing the house, they come to find dead body and an ongoing supply of video footage. As they search for the one they were assigned to retrieve, they enter a cinematic world of horrifying videos, each more mortifying than the rest. I have to say, I did like this movie very much, but I would warn all that you are in for the scare of the year. I wasn’t expecting to grip the edge of my seat once, but each video seemed to be scarier than the next. Most horror films have the same, overused, predictable plot, but this work by Simon Barrett, Glenn McQuaid, Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, Tyler Gillett, and Justin Martinez seems to leave the viewer in a constant anxiety. What am I going to take away from this movie? 1. Never agree to burglarize a house unless you know EXACTLY what you’re getting into…actually, just don’t burglarize anything, okay. 2. Make sure when you turn on the TV that you are prepared for whatever it may be that comes on the screen…know that sometimes you won’t be able to change the channel. If you are on the fence about seeing this movie, I would choose the side where you won’t be watching murderous video tapes.
When it comes to #HoldYourBreath, I have heard nothing but positive reviews, and that the plot is based on an urban myth. Movie critics have claimed that its a suspensful film based on the tale that you should “hold your breath” when passing by a cemetary to prevent an evil spirit taking over your body. The story revolves around a group of college students on school holiday, one of which forgets to hold his breath, allowing the spirits rejected from both heaven and hell get inside of him. This movie deals with a combination of legend and fantasy, all leading to a two hour sitting of thrill and excitement. If you are brave enough to see this movie, I would encourage it, as long as you #HoldYourBreath on the way home.