Everything you need to know about the senior internship program

Everything you need to know about the senior internship program

Riley Seelert, Reporter

The NCHS Senior Internship Program not only offers an opportunity for seniors to get into the working world ahead of time, but to explore their potential careers. This program is headed by Heather Bianco. 

Last year, the program was extremely successful and also new for seniors. “Last year was the first year all the seniors got to see the internship options on December 15th, the day after due dates,” Ms. Bianco said. “The opportunity for students to see the possibilities they had access to was really beneficial.”

Ben Fishman, Class of 2018, attends an internship at a local elementary school. Photo contributed by NCHS SIP website 

For students submitting self designed internship proposals, forms must be submitted by January fourth. “They just really need to be meaningful,” Ms. Bianco said. “We’re really looking for that meaningful, thoughtful internship.”

As Ms. Bianco is the coordinator, there were a few tips and important things for seniors to know this year. “I really want to stress the importance of everyone getting their application in the portal before December 14, that’s the first date that’s the most important” she said. “While there’s a whole list of important dates on the Senior Internship Program website, this is definitely number one.” Lastly, making sure that students pick at least seven internships and not just one is vital. It’s tempting to focus on just one organization when they all come out for viewing December 15, but Ms. Bianco said to choose at least seven. 

Student interviews with the SIP committee begin January fourth. This process continues until January 25. Internships begin May 21, and end June 13. The end date could be longer due to snow days, but by the end of April the committee will know for sure. Between January 25 and May 21, students will find out their internship assignment.