Evans looks to rebuild and point boys’ basketball in the right direction.

Raven Killinger

Coach Evans (right) looks over a drill at practice. Photo by Raven Killinger

As the fall season winds down, and winter sports begin their preseason, an aura of newfound excitement and energy the appointment of the new boys basketball coach, Mike Evans, after Mike Halley stepped down last year

Athletic Director, Jay Egan, hoping that Coach Evans, a former all-state basketball player for Weston High School and assistant coach for Harvard, will lead the team in the right direction. “Mike is familiar with the type basketball that will have New Canaan succeed.” Mr. Egan said.

Senior captain Chris DeWaele agrees. “I expect this upcoming season to be very successful under Coach Evans,” he said. “I am hoping that we change the notion that New Canaan Basketball will not be able to compete for state championships.”

Coach Evans demonstrates a drill at practice. Photo by Raven Killinger

When asked about his hopes for this year’s season, Coach Evans said “This year I hope to bring a sense of excitement to basketball, I hope to show them leadership, consistency with the coaching staff and life lessons they can use down the road.

Coach Evans also believes that he can also mentally prepare the boys for life ahead of themselves. “Being involved with the sport of basketball my whole life, I believe that not only do the boys have a chance with being a very good team skill wise, they also have potential to grow into mature young adults,” Coach Evans said. “Basketball is a path that my boys can follow. The sport holds life lessons within it that are bigger than themselves. It’s not about basketball. It has never been about basketball, it’s about something bigger.”


Coach Evans watches the players preform drills at practice. Photo by Raven Killinger