Tyler Kendall and Isabel Lawrence
Features Editor and News Editor
We’re back!
We know! We missed you too! Anyway, we’re back WITH MORE!

In addition to the story previews from our last blog, also coming up this cycle is a highlight of the Irish step dancers at NCHS who are going to be attending the World Finals Competition in Boston later this month. Sophomore Casey Manzella covered this story, and will be explaining the competition and what it takes to be a world champion. There will also be a video component, so make sure to look out for it! Speaking of Irish step dancing, senior Emilie Kushner is writing about the responsibilities of second semester seniors (we lied, no relation to Irish step dancing.) Emilie describes her article as, “dispelling the myths about second semester senior year.”
Get ready to say goodbye to a few of our seniors as they embark upon real world internships, as reported by Sarah Maddox. While some seniors leave, NCHS gains some critics as we go through the school accreditation process, which mi compadre Emily Brand can tell you about. Also, be sure to tune in for Katie Kuberra’s video story on tech night, where she was able to capture every moment of the inspiring, annual event. Speaking of events, we know everyone’s getting excited for CAREER NIGHT, which Emily Brand and Isabel Lawrence will be covering, featuring special guest appearances by big industry players. Still not sold on attending? How about we let Al Roker, Matt Lauer, Natalie Morales and members of the SNL cast make you think otherwise (NCHS got connections.)
Soz’s Corner

Q&A with slightly-more-main-stream-than-hipster-but-still-rockin’-the-tortoise-frames, our web manager, the one and only, sophomore Charlie Sosnick. Infamous for sporting a bold, guinea pig printed tee, and matching his Sperry’s to his long sleeve Polos, Soz is the “it” kid of the moment.
Ty and Isa: What’s it like having so much power over the website?
Soz the Great and Powerful: Having control of the website is pretty fun. It’s cool to decide which articles go on the front page and things like that, which gives me a degree of creative control. Mr. McAteer, Mr. Cebulski and I always talk about changes we could make to improve it.
T&I: What influenced your choice in outfit today?
StGaP: Today, there were no khakis in my closet so I wore blue cords. There was a green plaid shirt with blue in it that I hadn’t worn in a while, so I put that on too.
T&I: What is this jetpack you speak of and how does it affect things?
StGaP: The jetpack thing is a plugin for the website. It just gives nchscourant.com more functionality including stats, better photos, and other little things under the hood. It’s not very noticeable immediately, but it makes everything smoother in the long run.
So, those are the deets about what’s happening in NCHS, more specifically in the journo room. Also make sure to check the website for the upcoming FCIAC and States coverage and updates on the new coaches from our girls in the sports section. And don’t forget to mark the 28th in your calander. (It’s Courant day and also when the Pound Ridge Fire Department video filmed by Arts and Entertainment Editor Bryn Pennetti gets published.)
Of course, keep checking nchscourant.com for more of our blog installments. Can’t get enough of us? Follow our NCHS Courant twitters:
@tkendallcourant and @IsabelLCourant
Ty and Isa