Dramafest to reboot this Thursday

This Thursday, April 30, the annual Drama Festival will bring the works of student playwrights to life. The festival will run through Saturday with tickets sold at the door each night and the box office opening at 6:30 PM. The lineup for this year is as follows:
First Place: Seniors Lillian and Charlotte Engel with their production of “Let’s Start Over”
Second Place: Junior Kaitlyn Sandvik with her production of “The Strange Young Girl’s Guide to the Peculiar Thought Dynasty”
Third Place: Sophomore Joey Turner with his production of “Decision 2024 Reboot”
Fourth Place: Junior Jenny Levine with her production of “Waiting Room”
Honorable Mentions: Sophomores Allison Demers and Giuliana Ponterotto with their production of “Finally” and junior Zoe Jensen with her production of “Clouds in my Coffee”


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