Emma Nolan, Arts, Entertainment and Technology Editor
This past month, NCHS teamed up with the Fritz Eager Foundation for Art Education and awarded eight junior art students The Bernice Dobkin Hall Art Scholarship award. Using these scholarships, each student was able to choose an art school to put the money towards where they will take courses this summer.
First place winner, Jessica Dantas, will be attending The School of Visual Arts (SVA) in New York City to study filmmaking. “Over the summer, I was planning on attending SVA,” Jessica said. “But winning the scholarship pushed my 70% chance of going to a 100% chance.”

Wanting to stay close to home, Jessica shared that her reasons for choosing SVA was because of the way it would help her as a future artist. “The major reason I decided to attend SVA was because it would shape my future,” Jessica said. “I will be taking a filmmaking workshop course over the summer to work on my skills.”
In addition to filmmaking, select winners will be studying and pursuing photography this summer. Isabel Polish, Lauren Weingarten, Alyssa Malner and Kaitlyn Sandvik will all be working on photography at a variety of different locations.
After narrowing down her options, Lauren chose the Institute of Contemporary Photography, or ICP, in New York. “I chose the program at ICP because it’s a well-recognized and accredited institution so I could trust that the workshop is professional,” Lauren said. “The particular class I’m taking is something that I have an interest in and would like to improve on.”
Heading farther out of the state, Isabel will be attending The Maryland Institute College of Art for photography (MICA). “I decided on MICA because the summer pre-college art program allows me take a major and a workshop,” Isabel said. “I’ll be able to learn digital photography as well as continue to pursue my interest in ceramics”
Taking her future into perspective, Isabel is excited to grow as an artist from this experience. “I know that going to MICA’s summer program would definitely help to shape me as a future artist,” Isabel said. “I know this will help to create a really strong art portfolio.”
Staying local, Alyssa has decided to take her work to Silvermine Arts Center this summer. “I’m hoping to gain more experience in different types of photography as well as different methods of post-production,” Alyssa said.

Alyssa hopes to gain knowledge on photography for her portfolio. “I think that it will definitely help me shape my future as an artist and may possibly help me to decide what my concentration for AP will be next year.” Alyssa said. “I hope that by taking this course I’ll be able to explore different methods of photography and gain more experience for improvement.”
Adding to the variety of art represented, Sara Brindisi and Innes Mackenzie will be stepping away from the photography and filmography category.
Attending New England Fashion and Design Association this summer, Sara hopes to create more designs in two courses she will be attending. “In one course I will learn how to create my own patterns,” Sara said. “In the other class, I will be illustrating a fashion line.”
With summer just around the corner, all eight recipients are excited and grateful for what’s to come this summer. “Winning this award boosted my confidence showed me that I have what it takes to be a good artist,” Sara said. “It gave me the means that I needed to further an education that I can’t really get anywhere else.”