Do my college “friends” think I’m weird?

Do my college “friends” think I’m weird?

Molly Stine

If Accepted 2017 has taught us anything, it’s that there are a lot of crazies out there, a lot of crazies that are going to YOUR future school. In these completely open portals that are college Facebook groups, many wonder (through hardcore stalking) if there is a single normal person that they are going to school with next year. But what I often wonder is, if they think we, coming from New Canaan, Connecticut, are in fact, just as crazy, or crazier, than them.

Coming from a small town in the Northeast, I can see how instantly we are pegged as the spoiled rich kids who probably got into college based on something that doesn’t even resemble merit. And as we all know from the conscientious cleaning up of our Facebook pages to ensure that there is no embarrassing material to be found, there is a lot that can be misconstrued by others who aren’t from here. Do they realize that being a part of your church youth group is commonplace in New Canaan? Or that going to a “rave” at your local teen center is socially acceptable? Or that dressing up like an idiot on clone day is just a part of our school spirit? These are things that I wonder daily, and are the topic of many conversations.

Another hot topic is of course the infamous, Roommate Search. I have chosen to go the random route, but after hearing my friends experiences with this, it is enough for me to never want to be social again. First the meticulous combing through the hundreds (or even thousands) of people in your (insert name here) University/College Class of 2017 group. Then the random and awkward friend requests, soon followed by the even more awkward Facebook messages, and then at last the popping of the question, “do you want to be my roommate?” But no pressure, they have a friend from home that they can room with too! Which can sound almost as bad as cheating to some, because asking someone to be your roommate sounds like it is practically a marriage proposal. Committed to living together for an entire year can seem like a lifetime, and the most important decision you will ever make.

It’s true that sometimes I wish I could have never joined my college Facebook group. And I am sure there are many seniors out there who feel the exact same way. It is almost like an added pressure in your last months of high school, and can add even more panic to the idea of move in day in August. And it is so easy to just judge a book by it’s cover (literally his/her Facebook cover photo) and just take them as being weird. But if I have learned anything in these past four years in high school, it’s that sometimes the best friends you make are the ones that aren’t what you expect. And I am sure that is something I will carry with me on into college.