Dear high school seniors who can’t stop talking about college

Griffin Paterson, Senior Editor

Open letter to the seniors who cannot stop talking about college.

Dear those kids,

You know who you are. Countless kids in every senior class picks up the label of that kid, the one who never stops talking about college. Stop. We get it. You are a senior. College is right around the corner. That does not give you the right to pester everyone around you with your struggle to find a chill roommate or what colleges you got wait listed at or how hard it is to choose between Dartmouth and Brown. Not only is it just borderline annoying but some poor souls are still not into college and every mention of the ‘c’ word makes their stomachs drop.

Now, make no mistake, I am happily in college. I’m not writing this from the butt-hurt perspective of someone who didn’t get in here or there and is stressed out about it all. I’m the exact opposite. I’ve known for months where I am going and right now I’m trying to enjoy the fleeting moments left in my finite high school career.

And you’re ruining it! I am desperately trying to live in and enjoy the moment and every other conversation about college is pulling my mind off to far away places and still distant experiences that aren’t even mine! I don’t care how nice the campus at High Point is! We all know it’s gorgeous! Now please stop talking about it.

Obviously, in a few months the people I’ve spent most of my life with will all be posted up in different corners in the country. People will be moving on, and that’s both kind of sad but also a part of life. Maybe that scares me. Maybe that’s why all this college talks bugs me. Maybe.

However, those kids, I’m warning you, the more your mind gets stuck in the University of Clouds the more you’ll find you’re not living in the present. Enjoy these last couple months. Enjoy your friends. Appreciate your teachers. Save the college talk for college, you have (hopefully) four years to do that. As any senior in high school before you will attest, it will fly by.


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