
Elliott Cottington, Senior Captain1048775_531024963613229_1343905630_o-1

“I’m excited to be a captain because it means we are the people the younger kids look up to. My goal is to have a good season and see everyone improve as a whole. I expect the team to become ever closer this year and continue to improve.”



946671_664167843599741_1218196577_nMary Campbell, Senior Captain

“I think that being a captain is going to be really fun because it is an opportunity to help a program that I love. And it is a chance to help other people get to the places they want to get to just like the pervious captains have helped me. It’s neat to be the one telling all of the younger kids the ins and the outs of the program after having been in it for such a long time.”


Bea Tobey, Senior Captain946671_664167843599741_1218196577_n

“I’m excited to be a captain because we get to be the leaders we looked up to as freshman. I expect a great season with hopefully new rowers and best times at all levels of competition. One goal for our team this year is to continue the legacy the past seniors have left for us.”