Tyler Kendall
On Tuesday Oct. 22, the Courant staff toured the CBS headquarters in New York City. The students met with CBS news chairman Jeff Fager, in the sixty minutes screening room where all episodes are reviewed and edited before being broadcasted.
After an over hour long session with Mr. Fager, the Courant staff headed across 57th street to the main CBS studios and broadcast center. While touring the set of the CBS evening news, anchor and managing editor Scott Pelley surprised the students with a visit.
Scott Pelley spoke to the students about the world of journalism and allowed for a question and answer session. “We’ve gone several years now, but this year differed because Scott Pelley came down and spent a good ten minutes with us talking about the importance of writing and knowing how to write,” television broadcasting and journalism teacher Roman Cebulski said. “What I took away from the day was the one quote he said a couple of times, ‘I often tell my guys over here at the evening News and across the street at 60 minutes, there’s no such thing as good writing; there’s only good rewriting.’ That probably stands out the most to me.”
The experience presented many opportunities for learning. “The most important thing was that I wanted the students to be inspired. That’s number one,” Mr. Cebulski said. “If they came away with a better understanding of what the professionals do and their commitment to telling stories, then that’s even better.”

Make sure to check back for blog posts from Courant staff members about the trip and some thoughts about what they learned!