Emilia Savini

The four new Editors-in-Chief (EICs) Emily Brand, Tyler Kendall, Isabel Lawrence and Bryn Pennetti lead the Courant. A new set of section editors are also being welcomed to the Courant staff, as well as two new positions, photo editor and social media editor.
As a reporter for Teen Kids News for FOX, Isabel is looking to bring her past experiences to the table this year. Eager to take on the responsibility of EIC, Isabel is conscientious of her new leadership role. “My main role as EIC is to oversee the paper, try to organize what stories we are doing when they come out and contacting the publisher of the paper and printer,” Isabel said.
EIC Emily has learned from her past experiences and roles in her Journalism 1 and 2 classes. “Last year as a section editor of News, I think that I really learned to manage smaller sections and to see how the smaller aspects of the paper worked to contribute to the main goal,” she said. “What we are looking to produce this year is an excellent paper, and having been a section editor, I have learned so much about how each member of the class contributes.”
EIC Tyler is looking forward to working with her fellow EICs, and knows what skills are essential in order for the whole staff to coordinate. “Communication between the four EICs has been essential this year and is something we are striving to continue,” she said. “I’m really excited for this year because of both our new staff and new layout.”
As the EIC focused on the visual components of the paper, Bryn is working on a new layout for the Courant. “I want the layout to be more relatable to the school; that’s why it’s more colorful and fun,” she said. “Also, I want it to be classy and streamline, which I think will grab people’s attention more so than the red and black issue produced in past years.”
With a new year comes a fresh start, and the Courant introduced three brand new positions. Junior Hannah Kirkpatrick, photo editor for the Courant, has experience in photography which has given her a foundation in photojournalism. “Over the summer, I went to Haiti for a photojournalism expedition,” Hannah said. “Also, doing a photojournalism class at Georgetown University definitely improved my skill and knowledge in preparation for this year.”
Hannah wants to improve the quality of the media this year, an aspect of the paper that the Courant staff has set out to strengthen. “My goal is to have better quality photos in print and online issues that will enhance the writing and appeal to the reader.”
Senior Page Jones is also taking on a newly introduced position as social media editor, a position which uses social media to keep the readers up to date and informed of behind the scenes action as well. The Courant’s Instagram is one of the newest additions to the Courant’s social media outlet. According to Page, “My past experience has helped me stay connected to social media and knowing what is going on in technology.”
Page is focusing on refreshing the print issue by integrating social media. “I plan to take on this role with a fresh outlook on what we can make the Courant into by incorporating social media. I want to work on creating the bridge between the student body and the paper,” she said.
Senior Emily Wood is taking on a the position of Centerfold Editor this year and is excited to bring this format back to the Courant. “With Centerfold being reintroduced this year, I think it will be an interesting component to the newspaper, because every month will be something completely new,” she said.
Junior Features Editor Casey Manzella learned a great deal from section editors before her, and she’s looking to incorporate her knowledge into the Features section this year. “Last year the section editors really served as role models for me and I worked really hard to strive to be like them,” Casey said. “Tyler Kendall did an excellent job of running the features section last year and I hope I can do the same.”
Senior Keaton McAuliffe, Sports Editor is setting out to teach the Journalism 1 students the in’s and out’s of journalism. “I hope that through this new role I can not only improve my leadership skills, but help teach the younger students about journalism and give them the skills they need to take on leadership positions.”
Junior News Editor Sarah Maddox is looking to incorporate the information she learned as a Journalism 1 student into her position this year, “I learned how to use InDesign, write quality articles, conduct good interviews, and find media that adds to my stories all last year,” Sarah said. “It all took a lot of practice, but it was worth it because now I am confident in my journalism work and am able to help others which makes me feel great.”
Junior Carly Risom works alongside News Editor Sarah as well. Similarly, Carly learned a great deal of knowledge from her past year in Journalism 1. “Not only was I learning from incredibly talented writers, but I was making every mistake that I could have imagined,” Carly said. “It was in making these mistakes, however, that I was conditioned into the kind of writer I am today.”
Senior Opinions Editor Lizzy Burke hopes to incorporate topics students are buzzing about into her work, to ensure the content is interesting to the student body. “This year, I want to get a lot of contributed pieces and tackle topics that the student body and staff will really want to read about,” she said. If you are interested in writing an opinion piece for the Courant, contact Lizzy Burke at elizabeth.burke@ncps-k12.org.
With media being a major component to the Courant this year, Web Editor, junior Charlie Sosnick must keep the website up and running in order to maintain the online presence of the Courant. “Its a balance of technical and interpersonal roles,” he said. “I try and make sure the website is always running smoothly so everybody can do their jobs.”
Arts Editor, junior Chloe Rippe has prepared to take on her role as section editor by thinking about the reporters, and making their job easier with some guidance, “My planning mostly just revolves around how I as an editor can ease the work of the reporters and sort of guide them to let them learn on their own how to become better writers and interviewers,” Chloe said.
As the new Courant staff is taking on this year differently than in past years by slowing things down at the beginning of the year, Emily Brand sees promise in the group. “We definitely took a little more time at the beginning of the year to teach everyone the full process of journalistic writing, and from what I’ve seen so far that has really paid off,” Emily said. “There is a lot of talent in the class, and even though we have a smaller group this year I feel that we can accomplish a lot.”